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Posts posted by quobble

  1. I would LOVE to see military bunkers, sewers, and basements put into the game!  This would add a whole new dimension to gameplay. Imagine, hearing gunshots nearby in Cherno as a new spawn and freaking out. So you see a sewer nearby and jump down into it to escape the action without getting KoS'd. Or even using the sewers to get the jump on the gunman. Epic.


    or imagine, you want to move from Cherno to NW Airfield and in the middle of the way, in a big dark forest, you find a concrete building. You slowly walk towards it and you notice that its dark inside.


    You take your flashlight out, walk inside the house and find a hatch. 

    Climbing down the hatch, you find a big underground bunker system that reaches a few hundred meters into the hills of Chernarus.


    Down there you find rooms with old soviet era stuff, like old computer rooms, phone systems and baracks.




    I so want this.

  2. Why did the m4 come before the ak74 ? Since its russian world.

    IM pretty sure that Russian dident use westren weapon ?


    M4 : http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/M4_Carbine


    Ak74 : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AK-74


    Because the M4 was already done for the alpha release and they will slowly add more and more weapons after a while. They have more important things to do than weapons :)


    Keep in mind, Rocket told us not to buy the game. He said its early early alpha and they only released now because riots would have taken place if they wouldnt.


    Stay cool and wait :)

    The best part of the game is NOW

    (the phase when more and more stuff is being added)

  3. You don't like server hopping I don't like people being force read disinfectant.. Both are features of the game.

    Server hopping has been around since the beginning if it really was such a problem it would of been fixed a long time ago. People are only but hurt over the barracks being empty.

    In the mod it wasnt fixed because there were millions of private hives. And Rocket said he wont let it slip like this again.

    Mod mods and private hives wont be there for a long time.

  4. Requesting moderator engagement...this here is escalating.


    Fact is, sever hopping and ghosting IS a problem and MUST be fixed.

    I made an idea and now little children start raging in my post.




    Private hives would indeed fix it.

    Although its sort of a hardcore solution. In the mod private hive admins most of the time abused their power.

  5. I think it would be a great idea if your new characters spawned with a driver's licens in their invintory so that when you die the people that find you or kill you can figure out the dead characters name by looking at the character's driver's license.


    I dont agree with a name over the characters head in game; this game is a simulator and placing the characters name for everyone to see ingame is too unrealistic, if the player want's you to know his name he will tell you as in real life. And since a drivers license is one of the most common name printed items carried by a person, it would be a nice realistic way to get a bit of information from the character in dayz, such as a name.

    That would be a brilliant idea :D

    But you have to be able to stack them. Make a little book with them maybe.


    So bandits can collect them 

    • Like 1

  6. So you don't want someone to be able to ghost in behind you but you feel it's ok for you to server hop to get gear? Please go away.

    When did I say its okay?

    You should learn to read, whether than telling me to "go away". But hey. Its almost christmas. I love you too.


    Anyways, if they really add this feature that there is only a certain amount of rare items on all servers together, you wont have to be afraid of server hopping, since the percentage chance of finding that item is equal on every server. 


    Also its always dangerous to loot hop, since you can always get killed by people that are looting there already.


    There is no other solution except for this one or private hives.

  7. With somany servers it will never be stopped if you played the mod you would know.

    Best solution is do away with barracks and specific spawn locations make it completely random.

    The only people who complain about server hopping are those who do it, normal players go ok it's empty move on to next town.

    Because of things called barracks there will always be server hopping.

    Back in the mod it was easier just empty the rooms run 200m away crouch walk back and the loot respawns.

    Besides what you described was ghosting not server hopping a whole different ball game, and yes simple blocked from rejoining the same server for x amount of time is the best solution for ghosting.

    Ah^^ I forgot that its called ghosting. Thanks for letting me know that. But although ghosting contains server hopping :)

  8. Hello fellow survivors!

    I was taking a shower when I had the idea about solving the problem with server hopping. I am not talking about the loot hopping, which is for those who dont know what I mean, the process of switching servers to get better loot in areas that are already looted on the last server youve been on, but the problem with players avoiding the encounter with blocked positions.


    Lets asume there is a place, where bandits are camping. You want to pass through this area, but there is no other way than the way that the bandits are holding.


    You could either fight them off or wait until they go away.

    You could also try to sort things out by talking to them, but lets also asume that those bandits will kill you.


    Well, there are people that just disconnect from the server, join another one and walk around the bandits.

    Then, they will hop back to their old server and kill them from behind.


    This also works in buildings and larger structures. You can spawn silently behind the enemy without being much noticed.

    Long story short: Server hopping is bad.



    Devs wont need many things to solve this.

    We have to make a few rules for server connections.



    A player can join every server he wants.

    If he wants to disconnect or the server restarts, he can just rejoin or play again later.



    If a player is on a server and disconnects AND joins another server afterwards, the first server he was on will be locked for him for a certain amount of time. (lets say 10 minutes f.e.)

    He can join any other server as he wishes, but as soon as he joins a new one, the last ones will be locked for him. 


    If something is not clear to understand yet, please let me know, I will try to edit my post so you can understand it better.




    • Like 4

  9. Well it's already in the Mod...


    Or have you not played Namalsk?

    Namalsk is not an official DayZ Dev map.

    The creator of Namalsk made a hole into the map and placed a building (the bunker/lab) inside it.

    So its "sort of" not a real underground object.


    If you keep in mind that zombies couldnt walk inside there and ontop you most of the time couldnt drive with vehicles, since driving with vehicles in Arma on objects and buildings will make you go bouncy bouncy.


    So. SmashT. You are really telling us that there is a real cave in the DayZ Standalone?


    Where is it D: please tell us your secrets
