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Posts posted by quobble

  1. I am pro and contra 3d person.


    IMO private servers should be able to turn it on or off.


    Public hive servers should keep it off, always!

    Many people love 3rd person because this huge map forces the player to overwatch 360 degrees all the time.

    You need to have a wide area of possible enemy locations in your view, you can barely handle this with 1st person. 


    In buildings, behind objects and walls you can abuse it.

    People abuse it to look around corners or windows without being in the position to see.


    Best example is this guy:



    So, on OR off at private servers,

    Constantly OFF at public hives.


    In an area that is roughly 140 sq miles (1/2 the size of the city limits of San Francisco ) there are 3 major military installations and at least 2 smaller ones. 


    This is also the former Soviet Union....


    There would be military equipment for days around there.  Have any idea how many AK's the Russians produced?  It is the most produced assault rifle in the world after all. 


    So whats with all the too much military weapon cry baby crap?

    In european countries it is a bit harder to buy military weapons. 

    We have more sports weapon here than military equipment.


    I dont understand why you think that everyone owns an assault rifle...

    You also wont find many .22 weapons here.


    Yes, the AK47 is one if not THE most produced assault rifle in the world, but they combine in armed forces or militant organisation.


    Also, what most people mean with more "civilian" weapons is the reduced amount of high power military rifles suchs as those AS50, M240, M60, MG3 etc pp.

    They are clearly overpowered for such a game and its also really unrealistic that civilian survivors can handle those weapons so easily. 

    (AS50 kills from 1.000 meters while crouching...)




    also, if people get evacuated due to the apocalypse, i would be useful to take your weapons with you. a family that ran away from the happening in safer areas probably would take their stuff with them

  3. not even going to read your sh1t.......


    this is a multiplayer game. i want to see the server hardware that could run a giant non-static world with 50 players, zombies and variable loot spawning.


    and to be fair, buildings in arma CAN be destroyed. just the scale of destruction is kinda high leveled. you cant destroy a fence with your fist, but you can bomb a building down.


  4. i ve played dead nation,breaking point,life,nether,warz,here in dayz map is too short to have hide players camps to search,and too big to have a clear pvp way.

    they need to figure it out and give a purpose to the game.


    my team bought a server ,1h later we were all full stuff boring,so now we dont even go on our server,we pop on a server we restart until we get on south beach ,find a m4 and go to balota,hopping we wont get hopped,but not really caring cause after death we will do it again..

    well. if there is nothing to do in DayZ, why are people playing it, and why do I have a few hundred hours of DayZ Mod on my account?

    if you have nothing to do then that is a clear sign to stop and play something else. you are not creative. you are talking like my little neighbour kids that are bored when they have nothing to do.


    find something to do. build a camp of tents, hunt other players, roleplay, swarm elektro with your clan, have loot raids, try to take hostages, trade, find and fix vehicles etc etc i could list 1000 more things.


    clearly, i am talking about the mod atm. you can do all this in the mod.

    and what is in the mod, will most likely be added over the time in the Standalone...


    and now dont you dare to say there is nothing to do in the game...

  5. Classes are no use at all.

    The human can learn new things all the time.

    Locking him on a few certain abilities only takes away a huge part of realism and of the DayZ feeling.


    You learn abilities for yourself while you as a player actually play the game. You learn how to avoid zombies, you learn all the crafting recipes, how to use weapons and all the other stuff.


    What I would agree to is slight character improvment such as muscles that build up over time (running all the time etc. will increase your leg muscles if you keep being fed), growing a beard if you dont shave, getting dirty clothings, getting folds over time (fighting all the time and near death experiences will affect the characters brain and give him worries all the time etc.)


    but no "chose your ability" like features.

    • Like 1

  6. u guy s are trolling me,u dont even read,u cut/paste ur prewritten answers that have nothing to do with what i m talking about.

    you are cleary not understanding the sense of an ALPHA!

    the alpha contains around 10% of the content DayZ will have when its later in the development.


    Look at Minecraft. It started with nothing, grew far and big and its still growing.

    Same with DayZ. The mod started small and now its epic!


    This DayZ Standalone Alpha is not for your enjoyment. Well, you can enjoy it since you are allowed to play while they are adding content. (the best part of a game is imo the time when they slowly add all the features and you can see the game grow live)


    Its to fix and find bugs while the game is growing.


    You are not even in the position to say there is no content, because in fact, you cant test the content yet! Its not in yet!

    They didnt add it yet.

    They didnt implement the features they want to put in yet.

    Rocket didnt say "dont buy the alpha just because you heard DayZ mod was cool" for no reason!

    • Like 1


    Dont even reply to him.


    He is clearly trolling us all.

    The game is a damn Alpha, Rocket said it, all the other Devs said it, the community knows it...damn I believe even the NSA knows it.

    If you are not happy with the Alpha being an Alpha, you are clearly wrong here.



  8. hi all


    i m seriously disappointed by the game,standalone was announced so long ago,saying they were waiting to give us something good and ready to play,i expected that even in alpha pre release it would be better.


    i m use to play this sort of game but there s nothing to do in this one,this game will not last long.

    i explain:

    after 15min of gameplay,i ve got food water and a m4 fully loaded.so what to do next ?med suplly,15min after i have 3 saline bag,alcool,antibiotic.

    so now what to do?

    lets go pvp,i go to balota (20min walking),i kill one,i kill two (that i cant loot),i m killed (10min)


    so what next? i do the same thing again...very boring!!!


    it seriously took 1 year to do this game?on map that yet exist,with useless zombi dying 2sec after being hit,with no recoil at all?no vehicule?no ranking?no skill tree?no crafting?no phyx destruction?no tesslation?no grouping feature?no loot spawning?no zombi spawning?no ranking?


    i feel like there s no purpose in there,its very bad for the game,noone will play1 year on this!!



    second deception is the quality of the video feature,trees look like in bbc2,buildings are ugly (exept industrial ones).


    in my opinion u dont need to patch it,u need to restart it from the beginning,and start first by finding something to make a point for people to play it.


  9. ARMA II and DayZ occur in the same place. The locations in Chernarus are based on a few places in Eastern Europe / Eurasia. Not just the Czech Republic. Why do you think they speak Russian in Chernarus? Because it has a strong Russian influence. We can possibly infer that this fictional country is near Russia thus why I mentioned the Russian/Chechnya information. Let us not get off topic. We can talk about it over PM if you wish. 

    wanna get the google maps coords for Chernarus? 

    Its one area. Ive been there on my summer vacation. Okay, stuff like military bases etc are not there, and clearly the coast is actually a river but it is ONE place.




    also note that Czech is nowhere near Russia :)

  10. Um, the company that developed Operation Flashpoint and ARMA are in the Czech Republic. The game does not take place in the Czech Republic but a fictional country that has a strong history with Russia involved. it might even border Russia but that is not certain. The fictional country of Chernarus joined the Russian Empire. This is all from the Wikipedia about Chernarus. An excerpt "The population of Chernarus is a combination of Chernarussian and Russian peoples. Russian populations are mostly condensed in the Northeastern region of South Zagoria in towns such as Krasnostav. The two nationalities share tensions, especially on the topic of politics. In times of war, civilians have created insurgencies, most notably in the 2009 Chernarus conflict. Insurgent groups made attacks against ChDKZ and Russian military groups."

    The map is based on a Czech area. The DayZ lore has nothing to do with Arma :)

  11. Yea I am actually quite amazed at how chill the gun laws are there.


    Fact that getting a full auto version of a gun simply requires a permit is amazing.

    Brings problems to neighbour countries like Germany.

    Since everything is kinda opem (no borders, only sporadic controls) people can go there, get a weapon from the black market and drive back.


    But man, I just dont want all those fancy new spec ops weapons anymore. I wish DayZ will get many many "civil" firearms.
