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Posts posted by quobble

  1. DayZ has so many players because it has a very good concept.


    Deliver atmosphere, a big world to move on without restrains, various threats and voila, you have a good game.


    Its all about creativity of the player.

    Allow your players to be creative and you will make them happy.


    Minecraft did it,

    7 days to die did it,

    Planetside 2 did it,


  2. The devs decided not to make changelogs for experimentals anymore.

    You can read their reasons about this (beware, you might not like those) all over this section.

    No, afaik there has been no experimental update and servers aren't showing yet.

    Cant find the post where they say why the stop making exp changelogs.

    Could you give me the link please :) ?

  3. In which country?

    we are not talking about legal things.

    here in Germany we have many grandpas that threw away their weapons after WW2, hid them in the forest, wrapped in oil paper. after the war, when they came home, they got them sometimes back and hid them in the cellar etc.


    youll find that in any country that was involved in the wars

  4. The time gap between WW2 and today is so big a lot of those gusn would already have been scrapped or be in a museum never to be fired again or in the hands of a few collectors. F.e. the price of a STG44 in mint condition would exceed 25k USD. Unless it's really stashed somewhere in an attic i don't see a lot of those guns beeing in the hands of a normal person. Yes the mosin is there too and also the Lee Enfield in the mod, but as the M4 it's presence in the game is also quite questionable imo. What would be very common imo is the AK in all flavors, Saigas ( easier to get with the russian smoothbore license than a rifled bore license ). There are a lot more guns that would make more sense and are more practical to use in an everyday situation than an antique that is expensive and hard to get spare parts.

    Old Veterans would have those at home.

  5. I hope they add heart pounding soon. So if you just got hit, attacked by a running maniac with and axe, eaten by a zombie etc, then you should hear very intense heart beat.

  6. Hello my fellow survivors!

    Most of you probably know the movie "Captain America".

    The main enemy of the movie is the German Reich, but actually its the "hydra" group.


    A group of scientists under the lead of  "Red Skull". A burtally mutilated German that gained super powers through soem crazy science stuff made by his followers.


    Their group sign is this:



    Now, wouldnt it be awesome if players could make this gesture ungame :D ?

    It would have no use at all but It would be funny as hell!


  7. We need anything from Tactical Signs to Random "Useless" animations like smoking, taunting etc.

    But what we also need is a better voice over IP quality.


    I srsly cant understand anything other players shout or say.

    I have a really good high quality microphone, I use it for my work.

    And every time I try to talk to either strangers or for fun to friends over proximity chat, they dont hear sh1t.
