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Everything posted by quobble

  1. oh. Rhino came crawling back? I thought DayZ was all a scam and Rocket is drinking Whiskey on some tropical resort island @Guido Rhino did some mean and weird things to the DayZ community. PM me if you want links ;)
  2. quobble

    Base building

    yea. Origins and Epoch had base building. After a few days of a full server, every possible area was blocked off with walls. You couldnt go anywhere anymore Tents and caches are enough.
  3. quobble

    Base building

    that went crazy in the sub mods for dayz. people will build their shit everywhere. no.
  4. quobble

    Base building

    tents. hidden in the mountains, nice little campfire next to it thats it
  5. You dont need to replace anything. They can adjust the spawn rate of items in certain areas. thats the solution.
  6. You got some good ones there mate! Funny how everyone is pointing the 11th finger in photos :D no doubt the finger is an epic featuer where did you find the 8x zoom btw?
  7. Dice and EA sucessfully stopped modding too. I dont know what the hell you want from me
  8. quobble

    a question about the map [in game]

    http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus Here you go mate. Thatd be 2 cans of beans please.
  9. Dean said they wont give mod rights to people like they did in DayZ mod. Theyll hire good modders later once they have the time for it.
  10. quobble

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    sadly no Utes Island :(
  11. quobble

    which type of instances would you prefer?

    quote please. i heard he doesnt want anything like crashsites anymore
  12. quobble

    .357 op

  13. vehicles were fine in the mod. people will camp roads. so you have to be a careful driver.
  14. quobble

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    thanks mate /edit keep up the good work
  15. quobble

    5 Magnums

    they are mine now
  16. quobble

    5 Magnums

    where did you get them?
  17. you dont need a weapon to survive the coast...i didnt have a firearm until i found my mosin in a barn north of Gvodzdno
  18. quobble

    Something special happened in Kamyshovo today...

    what song was that? found it.
  19. Sir, I take my not existing hat off to you.
  20. So you only enjoy areas of the map that have military areas? And everything that doesnt have an army base is boring? you Sir are a douchebag >:C
  21. quobble

    Is good price

    http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=211204952 The words say "Shoemaker" and "Bakery". But the inside of the shop isnt anything of that 2 things :) http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/450657439812707813/BCA0954492B829C2B484497103637AD15ED85A2F/1024x576.resizedimage There is no counter or anything :D
  22. quobble

    Is good price

    Those are the family shoes. Most of the houses in Guba Bay have those shoes stacked infront of their doors. and inside the house is nothing except for normal family house interior :)
  23. http://s7.directupload.net/file/d/3490/ir4288dx_png.htm Just made this. Red is well known (Standalone) towns, places and areas with good loot spawns, survival gear, guns etc. Blue is areas that we found that are currently in development. (unfinished towns, truck stops, road stops, gas stations, train stations, cities) The white X splits the map in NE, NW, SE, SW. (I left the southern part of the map away.
  24. Oh damn...yet another person that is butthurt because he "has nothing to do". You are an Alpha player. Behave like one god damnit I enjoyed exploring the new areas. I didnt kill anyone i just looted with 2 friends buildings on the way and took lots and lots of pictures of the new areas. there is quite alot to come there.