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Everything posted by quobble

  1. I dont see any space for Svetloyarsk. Where on the map can I find it?
  2. quobble

    Gold and Silver

    Hello my fellow survivors! I finally got to watch both Hobbit movies. I loved the book and I enjoy the fandom. So, looking at all those JCI animations of gold and other treasures in the chambers of Erebor, I had the idea of the day. What if there would be items spawning such as rings, necklaces, ear rings and other jewelry made out of gold, silver and gems. Those would server absolutley no function except for making your character look FABULOUS! Jewelry would be really rare, so its a really nice find if you get your hands on a nice gold necklace. People would fight for it, maybe even trade with it. (I saw people hording books in DayZ Standalone already and they serve no purpose too) What would you think? What special jewelry would you like to see?
  3. quobble

    <<<< Grass density needs to be improved. >>>>

    grass isnt eating that much performance if they would turn it up. we also have to say that many people play on really REALLY crappy PCs...
  4. quobble

    How To Fix Blurry Screen

    FFS how often does this have to be discussed?!?!?! Blurry screen = low health! if you go to configure -> video it will indeed disappear but you are still not healthy. it will create a false sense of safety. use the search function!
  5. quobble

    Curious about peoples 'Rules of Engagement'

    non of your vote options make any sense.
  6. quobble

    Blurred Screen

    use the search function. there is already a thread (i posted explaining videos) about the blurryness. your health is low.
  7. quobble

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    There are no heros and there are no bandits. there are only people that kill often for fun, people that kill often for self defence, people that dont kill often but would like to do it and people that dont kill at all. this is not the mod
  8. quobble

    Gold and Silver

    i fully support this^^
  9. quobble


    he is talking about hand held drones like minature UAVs... inform yourself b1tches http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miniature_UAV#Aeryon_Labs_.22Scout.22
  10. http://www.google.de/imgres?sa=X&biw=1600&bih=792&tbm=isch&tbnid=QUDbj7OtZ9JPsM%3A&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dayztv.com%2Fstandalone%2F&docid=U_LX7yAZOdyc2M&imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dayztv.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2014%2F01%2Fdayz-standalone-3d-models-320x180.jpg&w=320&h=180&ei=19XWUoXLOKXg4QSawoGIDA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=952&page=1&start=0&ndsp=24&ved=0CFsQrQMwAA New models for DayZ
  11. taking photos, finding bugs and glitches, creating ideas for places, posting stuff about the northern area, analysing new areas etc pp.
  12. quobble

    Can you poison Saline IV bags?

    you can find Saline IV kits also already crafted. they are rare but they exist
  13. quobble

    Do you agree with modding in SA?

    yes! most of the mods were made by people that wanted heavy weapons and lots of mayhams. i want realism, or to be honest rather authentic gameplay instead of tanks, apcs, weird ass mission and shitty base building. I would like to see some kind of encampment possibility in the SA but only something that allows you to store items, something to block a passage or road and maybe something that gives you cover. (improvised tank traps, sandbags filled with dirt f.e., tents, storage boxes that you can hide better than tents (will stop tree glitching), MAYBE camo nets and punji traps.)
  14. I am scared of doing ANYTHING to my precious! (cpu) not sure if unparking my cores would increase performance in DayZ...I thought DayZ and Arma doesnt even support multi core..
  15. hqwljahsjaÖSHASH /edit that was German for "no that wont be cool"
  16. quobble

    Easter Eggs? Aliens? Mysteries? [Official]

  17. quobble

    Does SA Include ArmA 2?

    no it doesnt. dayz SA has nothing to do with arma 2
  18. quobble

    Ruger 10/22--My future hopes (Archangel kit)

    pff...then maybe semi automatic. I dont use 22s. the effective range for the x12 scope is so huge that you cant do effective damage to your enemies. with the acog you might be better. keep in mind that if you have a scope mounted you have to hip fire in close range. (tunnel vision will mess you up) although I would like to see 22s ingame. but not those fancy wanna be spec ops rifles...
  19. quobble

    Ruger 10/22--My future hopes (Archangel kit)

    why...why would you want a full automatic assault rifle, with a x12 optic that only has shitty .22 ???
  20. quobble

    New models for DayZ--<Enjoy>--!

    they redesigned it cleary. you can see it. also, they might have made the interior of the buildings?
  21. quobble

    [my story] It was a god send...

    at OP. please, PLEASE put some system and shape into your long texts...its giving me eye cancer to read a text as such a long text. even my prof doesnt write like this^^ just create soem sections of your text. leave space and rows.
  22. quobble

    A couple of questions from a newbie

    1: No there is no auto walk at the moment. 2: NO! What are you? A combat logger? 3: No there is no console for players. Why would you need it anyways?!
  23. quobble

    Ridiculous Fall Damage!

    they will fix it once they have a working fracture system. if you snap your foot because you jumped down somewhere you die atm :)
  24. quobble

    admin abuse in server

    wrong area of the forum. you are in the standalone section