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Everything posted by quobble

  1. quobble

    I died...

    I know. I changed my avatar before I respawned. Still, BLACK INDEPENDENT WOMAN!
  2. quobble

    I died...

    <- My Avatar there was my Char... Now I am bugged and have to be a black woman and I cant change it. I loved my mexican bear grylls...
  3. quobble

    Karma system

    Karma is a b1tch. b1tches dont play DayZ. so -> no karma in DayZ :)
  4. quobble

    One word

  5. quobble


    I can really well imagine setting up an ambush, at the deepest point during a night, we see a group of bandits passing by, I shoot the flare in the sky and suddenly shit breaks lose, tracer rounds bursting through the air, "FRIENDLY, FRIENDLY!" screams can be heard, then...suddenly silence.
  6. quobble

    No fresh fruits...

    Hello my fellow survivors! My suggestion is: Remove fresh fruits from normal loot table in buildings etc, DayZ takes place years after the outbreak, fresh fruits should be only on trees, bushed and plants. Id understand if there are some blocked buildings that look like survivor strongholds contain still good food, since they collected it and brought it there, but fresh stuff should not be there to be found :) Berry picking is in already, so why not give us apple trees at some point in the further future. Greetings from a sleepy German Quobble
  7. quobble

    Friend's Project

    http://www.createtheworld.tk I know you guys wont speak German, English layout will come soon I suppose, but have a try ;) its a little game a friend is programming atm. simple and still hard.
  8. quobble

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    ._. he is using a laser designator and is currently locking on to that player, obviously flying around the chimney...
  9. quobble

    Zombies - getting infected

    Players are immune. At least according to the lore.
  10. quobble

    Starting the game - random item 1-2 spaces

    In DayZ Mod everyone was supposed to be a survivor of a shipwreck. So you basically lost all gear and had to start from scratch.
  11. Hello my fellow survivors! Last week I had a nasty power surge and my whole Rig got blasted. I lost my PSU, CPU and Mainboard. Problem is now fixed, got a new PSU, Mainboard and CPU. Money wasnt a problem so now I am good to go again ;) Although I still have the GTX 660, thinking about buying one of the 700s series. Now that I also bought a new chassis for my new bigger MB, I noticed a weird sound that my GC is causing while playing DayZ on ANY graphics settings. Its a high pitched coil hum like sound, coming straight from my GPU. It cannot be my fans because I checked the RPM and I only have the noise when ingame or in the DayZ menu. If I go alt+tab to desktop the noise stops immediatly. If anyone has any idea please let me know. I am really concerned about my Rig now ;) Greetings! /edit Could it maybe be because of the high FPS in the menu?
  12. quobble

    Graphics card coil hum

    Hm...doesnt really help. Not that its annoying, I barely hear it when my chassis is closed, but is it dangerous for my card? I am not OCing
  13. quobble

    Graphics card coil hum

    Do you think I should download NVGA Precision and limit my FPS everywhere to 60?
  14. quobble

    Today's Pending Update.

    items respawn after server restart.
  15. quobble

    Why ARMA Engine?

    kill me...please kill me
  16. quobble

    Underground structures are possible

    you are probably right...
  17. quobble

    How to downlaod and play

    ...go home PremadeToast. youre drunk
  18. quobble

    How to end kill on sight?

    lower ammo spawns, YES. will it lower KOS, NO! You wanna know why? KOS is a part of the game. If someone tries to kill you righr after he saw you, just defend yourself. He will see what he gets for attack on sight. If you die, you have to admit that you were just too bad to survive.
  19. quobble


    Srsly mate. I like to drink your tears
  20. and as the devs said before, they have more than Rocket working. So that means they produce different featuers at the same time parallel. so, if the spray cans are done, why wouldnt they add them ffs? i assume that the "reset bug" as you called it, isnt fixed yet because they are just not done with it (YET). get over it and stop telling us that you will leave the game when its not fixed in the next 20 minutes.
  21. stop telling the devs that "people will leave the game behind". everyone except for a few people understand that its a bug that has to be fixed at some point in the future but this alpha release is exactly to find those issues. Dean told us not to buy it if we just want to have a casual game to play. we are alpha testers.
  22. I am struggling with the fact that I have nothing to struggle with...
  23. Whatever theyll do I am sure it will be great. HAIL ROCKET! *uhum* I just want my lake city :D (i hope that big hole in the north is going to be a lake)
  24. Well. Guba is only the marker on the harbor. I think the bay is called Guba bay, but the city there is called different. Svetloyarsk probably. Thanks anyways ;)