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Everything posted by DonutRiot

  1. GoodGame Teamspeak IP: TS3.GoodGameCommunity.com Website: www.GoodGameCommunity.com =GG= Hello fellow survivors! Currently our community is looking for more active members! What do we have to offer? - A TeamSpeak 3 server with many mature and friendly players - A Celle Island Life server (same as Emita Life except different map)(30 slots) - An incredible map dev! - Ability to buy more dayz servers once we establish an active player base! - Donaters receive extra perks in maps (such as houses, starting items, etc.)(in arma life) What we're asking for: - Mature players who want to play Dayz or Arma Island Life and who get along well with others. How to join us: Just join our Teamspeak and talk to Rob, Peter, DayV, Dylan, Brosph, or Matthew
  2. DonutRiot


    Yo Scav. I see youre trying to make a group, and i was wondering if you wanted to join my community, which has over 150 members, 20 active daily, 512 slot TS, and own multiple servers including arma, Battlefield and minecraft. If you want to just shoot me a message on this forum. or you can join our TS @ ts3.goodgamecommunity.com, and look for Rob, David, Daveyyy, or Dylan. Thanks and hope to hear from you soon!
  3. basically what the title says, our server can hold 100 people, we only use about 10 spots, and would like to share it with other clans ;D. Solo'ers can join and have fun at any time ;D Requirements(For Clans): - Serious clans only - Must have 5+ active members - Must be willing to do teamspeak clan vs clan Arma 2 battles on weekends ;D (sometimes ;P) - Use teamspeak if we give you a 'lobby' within our own server What you get(For Clans): : - 1 lobby (looks like this: http://prntscr.com/12w1bi ) - 5 channels within lobby - Free hosting! - unlimited slots per channel! - Personalised team icon (we are not selling, we are just lending spots in a teamspeak server so others can have a fun DayZ experience ;D) Teamspeak IP: Contact my skype!: DonutRiot be ready for me to ask a few questions before offering you a channel
  4. basically what the title says, our server can hold 100 people, we only use about 10 spots, and would like to share it with other clans ;D. Solo'ers can join and have fun at any time ;D Requirements(For Clans): - Serious clans only - Must have 5+ active members - Must be willing to do teamspeak clan vs clan Arma 2 battles on weekends ;D (sometimes ;P) - Use teamspeak if we give you a 'lobby' within our own server What you get(For Clans): : - 1 lobby (looks like this: http://prntscr.com/12w1bi ) - 5 channels within lobby - Free hosting! - unlimited slots per channel! - Personalised team icon (we are not selling, we are just lending spots in a teamspeak server so others can have a fun DayZ experience ;D) Teamspeak IP: Contact my skype!: DonutRiot
  5. Join now! Origins Server: Teamspeak Server: More infomation HERE