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Everything posted by Astrix

  1. Sent a second email from a different email address but still didn't get a response - i have a feeling that whatever wording I was using has made these end up in the spam box. I've sent cheese4gaming a PM aswell about it but it hasn't been read. If someone who speaks to him could let him know about it, I'd be really grateful. I'm really interested in this server due to the inclusion of a green zone. Just eager to get a response so I can either play on the server or at least know that I should perhaps look somewhere else. Cheers!
  2. Yea i guess something has happened to it along the way, I've sent cheese4gaming a private message to see if he has received it.
  3. So you got a response to your email already?
  4. Yea, thats the one i've sent it to
  5. Sent my application in 2 days ago, is it possible its gone into a spam folder or something? unless i've sent it to a wrong email address or something :D Thanks for the help!