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Posts posted by oscaar

  1. Age: 15 (Mature)

    Dayz/Fps experience: I've played counter-strike source at a high level, I've played ARMA II for 1 and 1/2 years and DayZ pretty much since it was released which is about 4-5 month

    Reason to join: After my last clan disbanding I'm looking for a new one!

    Country: UK

    How often do you play: Most days from 3-12 gmt

    im sorta new to posting and recieving messages on this forum but if you want to add me,

    my steam is: tommzyy or oscaar1337 (2 accounts)

    skype: scotty0958

  2. My Skype is scotty0958

    My Steam is oscaar1337 or tommzyy

    I have Skype, Steam, ts3 (teamspeak), mumble and ventrilo

    I am 15 years of age.

    I've been playing arma 2 for 1 and 1/2 years and dayz since early may

    Im an ARMA veteran and can handle any type of role given to me

    I'm a tactical thinking

    I've played Lingor and Chernarus in-depth and know 90% of the main areas

    I'm an accurate shot and can hit something at 600m+ without a rangefinder purely by knowing the arma engine and how the physics of it work

    I can handle intense situations well

    I'm fun when needed and can be serious
