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Everything posted by UKCFS

  1. UKCFS

    Mountain Dew!!!

    I think this can help.
  2. UKCFS

    Found a golden AK/Revolver?

    No, not if you have picked it up. If you spawned it in then you will. Also some servers might ban you for possession of Hacked weapons. If they do just do a petition to unban you since you didn't spawn them in.
  3. UKCFS

    Hacker returns ._.

    First is stop spamming 3 threads just to get something written down, it will have a reply eventually.
  4. UKCFS

    Bandit FAIL

    I have done the same thing, it is funny but annoying!
  5. UKCFS

    Stay safe, Live longer

    Nice for making this thread, this will probably help a lot of people. I will know be following these tips.
  6. UKCFS

    bandits vs heros

    I agree with you on this, especially on the Bandits and Survivors side. I think that Heroes are 50/50 about trusting them because, they might want that skin to show that they are "Friendly" When they can easily be lieing just to kill you. Or they are actually Friendly and want to help you out. Just saying.
  7. UKCFS

    Who's the traitor?

    That was a brilliant story, it is a shame I never get into any of them situations. But if that was me I would of let them live, especially knowing that they were friendly and causing no harm to you. Anyways it was your choice, nice job though.