Hello every one! We just started our fresh server last, night lots of vehicles still left to get, and are looking for more players to come join us. some of the bonuses on our server are: 3rd party anti hack mods (they are server side so no extra downloads) Extra vehicle spawns, in different locations then the originals. so more reward for exploring the map and easier to get from place to place. Friendly admins who are on almost 24/7 We have several groups already playing with us, there will be some friendly competition (our groups are good about leaving noobs alone, we only want good fair fights) We will soon be having events: King of the tent (where we put some cool loot in a tent and broad cast the coordinates at a set time), Free car bonanza (we will park a working car in a major city and who ever finds it gets it), Organised group fights (we will pick a town and a time and any one who is willing can show up for a good old gun battle) *more to come* Side chat is active and so is VoN, (but please don't use VoN in side chat, admins reserve the right to kick for annoying everyone) we currently have 3 groups and 8 regulars that play but we have a lot more room for you and your friends to come have some fun with us. Just search "free beer" and you will find us, hope to see more of you out in the coming weeks.