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About riouken

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  1. riouken

    Timing of Patch 1.5.8

    What would happen is as he brought each server on at once, each one would be DDos'ed back off line from the 1000+ people trying to connect to each one.
  2. riouken

    Server Box For Dayz

    Maybe try and PM Jonnerz: http://dayzmod.com/forum/member.php?action=profile&uid=11 He runs several of the servers and either works for the hosting company or knows the owners or something, I believe he has posted something like that. You might want to look into getting one hosted there. as they are obviously capable.
  3. riouken

    Server Box For Dayz

    This should answer you questions. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=15
  4. Same here, put a tent down on NY2 placed a few items in the tent, came back this morning after restart, and the tent is empty.
  5. riouken

    LoS - Legacy of Survival

    I might be interested in joining you, I have no interest in pvp and I too have been surviving on the fringes. It looks like we play about the same times as well. Shoot me a pm and we can set up a meet on Vent.
  6. I also have been getting this problem. Ever since the 1.5 series of updates I have not been able to play on any server. Here is the rpt. I have noticed that when it gets stuck on the "waiting for server responce" I get some errors in my rpt. Here is my RPT. It will just keep spaming these: Over and over till you disconnect.
  7. riouken

    Days alive calculation

    No it has to be something else, because I have been alive for almost 4 days and I have played well over 16 hours in that time, but it only shows me as playing for 4 hours.
  8. How is the days alive, or time lived calculated?
  9. riouken

    Debug Monitor

    This is caused by interface size actually. Go into your video settings and click on the advanced tab. Then on the far right side is a drop down list for ( Interface Size) just select the next size smaller if this bothers you too much. You will have to restart the game for this to work right. This option will make all interface resources smaller. This will make your hud,action menu, and any interfaces smaller. Chose one that works best for you.