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About krakerman

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. krakerman

    rabbits are deadly

    This happened to me three times last night too. It was where I was headed when the rabbit killed me :(
  2. krakerman

    rabbits are deadly

    I think it's funny 'Muncywolverine' hasn't responded since I called him out, and I appreciate the humor :)
  3. krakerman

    rabbits are deadly

    Damn right I went after it. I did not expect my character to keel over and die because a rabbit was in his way. If you are justifying this as acceptable game mechanics, I don't really know what to say...
  4. krakerman

    rabbits are deadly

    Wow, the DayZ community is as cool as I thought it would be.
  5. Finally found a nice old bike to drive around... and I saw a rabbit in the road. Ran its ass over and end up with a broken leg and in shock... I've loved this mod for a while now and have put up with the countless bugs and such, but I'm at the point of not caring anymore. I have to assume that Rocket will fix this kind of shit in the stand alone so maybe I'll revisit the game then, but I'm fed up with this kind of shit. Two nights ago I finally got my ideal loadout and got killed by a tree... yay!