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Everything posted by lmlm

  1. Please consider adding loot to the trash bags (usually at barricades) and trash cans. I'm not asking for more overall loot, but rather to perhaps decrease the loot in houses and such and move that to the trash bags/cans and maybe even barricades. Opening and closing bag and can sounds would be greatly appreciated. I'm thinking that food and more household type items would be more appropriate 'trash loot.' Matches, compass, contraceptives (for the forthcoming survivor sex & reproduction expansion), etc.. Trash at air bases obviously would have more military loot. Just think of all the junk loot we'd find!! :) Thank you!
  2. Would love to see THIS one driving around! Oh and while we're at it, here's my tractor vid
  3. lmlm

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    I agree the zombie respawning is much too aggressive. I'd like a five or so minute timer. Alternatively, make it so that the more % of zombies in an area are killed, the longer it takes them to respawn. So, kill one zombie, it respawns in a about a minute. Kill all of them it might take as long as ten minutes for them to start respawning, but not all at once please. Yes, a ten minute respite is a nice reward for clearing an area.
  4. Please consider this idea. It would be nice to find books, magazines, journals, etc that offer increased or special skills sort of like how Fallout 3 does it. For example, maybe there are 5 or so books on a server that, once read, let you learn how to self-administer blood from blood packs. Here are some ideas: Make a cammo net from cammo clothing Mark map locations of stores, deer stands etc in a region, etc.. Cook more nutritious meat Self camoflage as a zombie for more stealthy movement (but you look bloody!) using zombie parts. Build a weapon from a few scrap metal (and other parts?). Would need different guide for different weapons or at least weapon types. So maybe one guide to make civilian shotguns, another for all civilian .45mm pistols, etc etc. edit: I could certainly see learning how to start a fire without matches as something a magazine would explain. Also another similar idea. Finding a note or letter revealing the location of something across the map, such as a hidden vehicle or weapon, or whatever. Maybe an employee of a hospital has a home with some stored blood packs or morphine, or has hidden it somewhere where it's not supposed to be found. ps. I see another thread on this but since I expand on it this much I thought a new thread might be better..? Thank you!
  5. lmlm


    Yeah I know. I've seen many NBA basketball games played in high heels. Gay league of course but they are just as good in those.
  6. Soulphayze I suggest you post your ideas section in the ideas forum. Good ones btw..
  7. My Winchester disappeared when I tried to move it to backpack. Or at least when I went back to get it out, it was gone. ( with latest A2 beta) Speculation - I think the game tried to move the slugs ammo into backpack at the same time and then there was an overflow, but I am not sure about that. I wanted to silent kill a boar and thought if I switched to hatchet I might lose my shotgun so I moved the shotgun into backpack. Last I saw of it. Please consider having the game not move any ammo when moving weapons to/from backpack if there isn't enough room. Or if it's something else making primary weapon disappear then...... plz fix. Thank you very much DayZ team!
  8. Well I played it for a while and is better than but it's still very easy to aggro zombies. I was prone (on a road) in a village and a zombie detected me from the other side of a house. ): I got a broken bone from my pursuers, and morphine is very rare so this game has gone from a running simulator to a crawling simulator, LOL.
  9. lmlm

    To easy to be detected by zombies?

    Good news for the upcoming patch - * [FIXED] Audibility is far to high (completely rebalanced, in line with how it was in previous updates) This is from a preliminary pre-release patch list. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=17398
  10. lmlm

    To easy to be detected by zombies?

    Just played some more and really, the stealth mechanics are broken and nearly non-existent in daylight hours. Footsteps seem to be nearly as loud as gunshots! In real life I can't hear someone running from more than 20 meters. These zombies have super-human hearing. (with version
  11. lmlm

    BFF Report on DayZ

    Nice one! Here's another tutorial-based intro -
  12. lmlm

    To easy to be detected by zombies?

    I agree. I go to a jogging park every day and I have good hearing. I can't hear someone jogging 20 meters away. But these zombies have astounding hearing and can hear far beyond that. The game guide says they have limited hearing. It's just not true. I understand them hearing loud things like gunshots, but for walking or jogging? Really? It's nowhere near realistic for normal living people to hear from so far. In fact, the game gets it much closer to reality when I hear footsteps of other players. When outdoors, sounds dissipate quickly because most of the sound travels up and away, not along the ground. I tried googling around but can't find any hard scientific data on how far regular or running footsteps can be heard in different environments. ):
  13. Strawman argument. He's not saying he was coerced into buying the game. He said he had to buy Arma2 and OF to play it. It's true that a lot of people will be upset if much of the game is made worse than it is now. Personally I think everyone should only spawn naked, blind, deaf, paraplegic and have a googleplex zombies chasing them. Anyone who says otherwise is a carebare. No one payed a dime to play DayZ anyway. And people's time and convenience mean nothing because we call it 'alpha' so that washes our hands and conscience completely clean no matter what anyone says so there na nany na na.
  14. So I was recording my gamplay and bumped into someone, little did I know he was a well known professional SC2 player and was streaming to ~3,000 people who demanded that he kill me. You'll see why. My POV skip to 14m 0s if you just want the betrayal lols. Must watch - his POV shows why that happened and that he went through a lot of angst and regret - Afterwards he sent his fans to my channel to apologize and sub. Cool guy. I'll never forget that encounter. LOL. Enjoy!
  15. lmlm

    Name indicator

    I would like to see names not pop up until we are very close to the other player. Three to five meters is my suggestion. I ask that this be the default server setting. I say this because someone can be hiding in the bushes and be completely invisible but using the crosshair, their name pops up giving away their location. I realize in real life you can tell who is someone even twenty meters away, but for the sake of the hostile gameplay, between three and five meters is best. Also this would help the hardcore servers since they have the 'crosshair name' feature disabled completely and that makes it difficult or impossible to know who are people. If this feature were implemented, they'd consider turning it back on since 3m-5m isn't much.
  16. Please consider altering zombie movement at night so that they trip & fall more often, and also move a bit slower. After all, they already have reduced eyesight, so they are certainly more prone to falling down in the dark. Maybe even runners will sometimes crawl for a while at night after falling down.
  17. In the hurried panic before the mass zombie plague, people threw out their valuables. Common sense became hysteria.
  18. lmlm

    Ammo bags/crates

    I would please like you to consider adding a new rare find - ammo bags & crates. Ideally it would be nice to be able to store them in a backpack. An ammo bag might take up three or four inventory slots and hold maybe 12 clips. An ammo crate taking up maybe five or six inventory slots while holding whatever a crate usually holds. :) 24 clips? Well, I've never found either of these but are they in Day Z already?? edit: I meant to word in this as a request but my internet down. lol sorry. Edited.
  19. lmlm

    Server Name In-Game

    This isn't often possible. The good servers are full and there are several so it's a matter of being very quick to click on the 49/50 players server and since at 1920x1200 the server name is on the opposite side of the screen there isn't enough time to look at the server name since the game immediately clears the screen after double clicking the server line. So, it's not a matter of not paying attention. It's a matter of user friendliness and letting the player know on what server he's playing.
  20. lmlm

    Change how zombies are spawned

    I agree with OP. The respawn rates recently are way over the top. It's immersion-breaking and it's NOT realistic. There's little incentive to even try to clear a town now. It's a waste of limited ammo. I also agree with a 200m 'no spawn' radius around the players. Outside that, sure, spawn like crazy if you want. I also agree that once a zombie is killed, 15-30 minutes is a good period to give the players some breathing room before respawn. A solution to make this not make the game too easy might be that waves of zombies can sometimes spawn outside an area and 'invade' to reoccupy a town.
  21. If there isn't enough ammo in the game for these fast respawning zombies then all of your point is moot. People will tend to shoot each other for their limited valuable supplies and to mitigate risk. No, I didn't read the huge wall of text in this thread. If the mod creator thinks this isn't a game and that it needs no incentive to not shoot people, then that is unfortunate. This isn't reality. People dont' respawn in reality. There is no real pain in this game. Shooting someone on your screen is entirely different than shooting someone in reality.