Is that natural in this mod that there are so much more zombies than in the original mod? I saw a zombie spawn happening twice. No offense , I'm just curious. Another thing that there are 2 littlebirds in the mod? One new vehicle is okay , it's a good idea for transporting , but two? A group owns all of the helicopters and that's 3. (Or maybe more , I don't know.) I'm not butthurt because they got the helis. I'm just saying that 3 helis are too much in my opinion. Even if the littlebirds got no guns. They just kinda own the whole map if we are talking about vehicles. :| Oh , I have forgotten. Did you fixed that if you save something in your tent , after a server restart there will be the saved stuff in it? I know you fixed the item doubling , but was that meant to be fixing this feature too?