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Everything posted by RougeBronyNarwhal

  1. RougeBronyNarwhal

    Guy in the back...

    i relatively play like this, when im in a building or city and i hear gunshots even if they're friendly, i drop everything and head for the nearest treeline, i prefer camo clothing because it blends in well with the forrest and when you see players you have a second or 2 reaction to see if they are a zed or not but there isn't any of that if you're a walking bush (whore innuendo not intended) i like to go guns blazing if im gonna die anyways but i try to stay away from other players till they're dead
  2. RougeBronyNarwhal

    why hasn't anyone tried trading

    if you like i could help with the whole holding people at gunpoint until we confirmed the drop
  3. RougeBronyNarwhal

    RPG-7 and M79 Grenade Launcher

    good idea
  4. RougeBronyNarwhal

    door story thread

    hey y'all i have a fun idea after getting hit by an outside opening door for the 50th time, why don't we share a bunch of door relaated stories here, real or made up, just for the sake of it, i want to hear from the creativity of this awesome community Cause I see opp-ortunity in this very com-mu- *splat* ok I'll shut up
  5. RougeBronyNarwhal

    Enfield vs. Chopper!

    mucho bueno :ph34r:
  6. RougeBronyNarwhal

    Looking for a partner

    i know, but what is the map like? im wondering whether or not to get it
  7. RougeBronyNarwhal

    door story thread

  8. RougeBronyNarwhal

    Looking for a partner

    i would, but i don't have tavania, whats it like?
  9. unfortunately, that would include only suicide (that I know of) plus if that was public, private servers shouldn't load your public character, so it's likely something else :shrug:
  10. RougeBronyNarwhal

    Me and my friend have a little problem..

    unfortunately, or y'all could just play for a while till one of you finds a vehicle and then try to meet up, if your on the coast its not that hard to survive solo, NW AF however...
  11. RougeBronyNarwhal

    Cornered by Bloodsuckers, wat do?

    and thats why rocket added the G17 icon so people can't be cheap like that :P put up a tent, call for help, suicide run (no ranged enemies so it might work) on a side note i havent encountered a BS yet, are they faster than players, if so use explosives or smoke for distraction
  12. RougeBronyNarwhal

    Axe in pistol slot

    eeyup, the only reason i carry makarov is a large amount of ammo, its (relatively) silent, and its a good zombie killer if im carrying an AR/enfield/other good pvp weapon or if i don't have any other gun
  13. RougeBronyNarwhal

    this is gonna sound weird...

    every time I meet with a player in dayZ (which isn't often because getting killed by random bandits are my most common interactions) and decide to team up with them, 90% of the time I get a REALLY strong wanting to betray them, maybe it has to do with my love of AC multiplayer and sharp affinity for stealth, espionage, and spy work and has lead me with serious trust issues, anyone out there with advice (preferably a brony with friendship tutelage)
  14. a lot of people don't like being told what to do or they don't like namalsk i just DL'ed it for the bloodsuckers but im pretty good so i think ill be fine
  15. RougeBronyNarwhal

    Scavenging Questions

    i know your solution for this happened many times when i started, when you first start off, you want to try to find shed in backyard, either the big open ones or the closed ones with an overhang beside it, you don't need to sneak everywhere unless your in a big city or high pop server, and until you get your bearings i would suggest only going on 5-7 player servers and getting the hang of things landmarks etc. zeds cant outrun you so just run into a building (never small log cabins or red brick houses if your being chased with no weps) and/ or turn corners until your out of their sight for 3-5 seconds and not just one corner, a lot of times people will help you if your being chased for leverage in persuading them to join you, and will likely resupply you if they can, hope this helps
  16. RougeBronyNarwhal

    this is gonna sound weird...

    wow i never expected this thread to be so popular, but i have resolved the issue, im just going to avoid ppl but if they see me ill drop them, i have a small group of friends that i play with (not as a group just individually) and the funniest but angriest thing happened yesterday My best friend and I finally played dayz together for the first time even though weve had it for months, and we both spawned at kamenko, we found the end of the road by accident and proceeded to the debug hills but we didnt know it at the time because we were in a forrest and eventually we had to kill ourselves, then we respawned at elektro, we looted for a while, i had an hatchet, he had an enfield, and i was about to loot an office building with him on top of the hospital for overwatch, we proceeded military style (we love doing military RP's on halo 4) and i entered from the front because they would expect ppl from the main entrance but we were there 15 minutes so far and we didnt hear any gunshots, i saw a dude with a gun (either AK or makarov, cant remember) and he said friendly, we didnt believe him so i tried to draw him out, only to find he was backed by a whole bucking camp! we commenced operation "get the fuck out of dodge" after an unarmed player took refuge on the roof and left, and we thought she was a scout, she may have been, but after multiple gunshots, we took refuge in a log cabin by the coast hoping for them to pass us and give up before we left, but we eventually fled different ways because we reconsidered, and accidentally fled different ways to the docks and factory, after regrouping in the northern hill, we proceeded to cherno, looting houses and a gas station on the way, at the halfway mark or so, we found a barn that we were gonna stop at, right near the entrance, there was a player with what we thought of as a gun, so i killed him, he actually had a flashlight and he was already dead but it lagged, then we looted the barn and he said he was gonna get some water while i looted the rest of the town, i found another dead body with an empty crossbow and i grabbed it thinking i was gonna show my friend, i realized i left my hatchet in the longhouse even though i tried putting it in my toolbelt, but i heard movement outside, i wasnt sure if it was zombie or player, but i was too shocke to go for another hatchet in the barn, eventually a ghillie suited AK player came up my stairs, i hid behind the hay pile, but he still saw me, killed both of us, and when my friend finally got back a minute or so after we died, i was pissed, turns out he was helping his mom with her surgery :|
  17. i meet all the team requirements, but im 16 and im a team player, a good scout/scavenger/assassin :salute:
  18. interested, never been in a video series before, and I think 1 standalone l4d video with my friend years ago, skype- peyton C
  19. RougeBronyNarwhal


    >:) i wholeheartedly agree
  20. RougeBronyNarwhal

    Bean Bags, Billysticks & Zipties!

    wonderful, you can become a true bandit/zombie killer/pirate... banzombillerate :)
  21. RougeBronyNarwhal

    DayZ Guide: Meeting Players & Avoiding Betrayal

    nice bro, i have had trouble with trust (mostly me getting sudden urges to betray my teammates), helped
  22. RougeBronyNarwhal

    Looking for some derpy people to play with ~read

    ill join, i love being random and derpy and i need a crew to roll with skype: peyton c picture of RD with reloading brain caption
  23. RougeBronyNarwhal

    New Lunar Republic - Enlist today

    how do you track IP's on TS? i want to talk on TS before i join UK 373
  24. RougeBronyNarwhal

    The Food/Drink doesn't go down

    i am quite the noob at dayz, since ive only had it for 5 days so far and i havent found any locational items like maps watches compasses etc. or any other backpacks :(
  25. RougeBronyNarwhal

    New Lunar Republic - Enlist today

    Ooh, a brony clan on dayz, i was linked here from youtube, and i would like to fill the role of pegasi mechanic if its available