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About Bongofish

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Bongofish

    RIP DayZ

    And like us, they were right. Kids suck and ruin almost everything.
  2. Bongofish

    SA: 'No advanced weapons'

    You have totally missed the point. I assume that you are calling it a simulator over and over because you believe it is simulating reality. Or at least realistic weapon ballistics and such. Hate to break it to you, it's not. The shooting in this game is hardly more realistic than any other fps. Also, if you want to use simulation (ie. reality) as a reason, then you can't honestly argue that these weapons should be in the game. They would be so rare that not existing is way more realistic than what we have now. Also, a .50cal is a retarded weapon to use during a zombie apocalypse. If they do include them, they should be death traps.
  3. Bongofish

    RIP DayZ

    All you have to do is read the server list to see that DayZ has been infested with deathmatchers. "Spawn with weapons and nvgs! 5000 vehicles!" Blah, blah, blah. DayZ is dead.
  4. Bongofish

    SA: 'No advanced weapons'

    I want one shot kill weapons gone because I am tired of this DayZ easy mode bullshit. Also, anything that makes this game less appealing to the COD deathmatchers, I am all for. This mod needs a serious return to its roots. It has been completely highjacked by a bunch of kids who think sniping is the best thing ever. Get rid of the easy vehicles, make ammo EXTREMELY rare, don't allow instant respawns. Dying needs to hurt. I think a 30 minute respawn timer would help. Don't like where you spawned? Tough shit, man it out or go play something else. Basically make this game difficult again so that people have to make important life or death decisions. I would love to hear all the crying from these wannabe alpha male tryhards when the game takes away all the easymode crutches they have gotten used to.
  5. Bongofish

    SA: server hopping

    He's probably refering to how you can't find normal DayZ anymore. Most servers are modded to make the game easier, or more COD-like. "9000+ vehicles," "Starting gear," "Increased loot," all that crap. People may enjoy it, but it isn't really DayZ.
  6. Not at all what I said or meant. Just was pointing out that people that shoot bandits on sight have a very good reason to do so. It shouldn't surprise you and it doesn't mean that they are a necessarily a hypocrite. Not necessarily. A bandit skin is a good indication that you will shoot them. At least they have a reason for killing you. I agree that the humanity mechanic is flawed, but I have gone through everything you have and only lost my hero skin once. And that was when a carload of guys ambushed me and my friends and the guy I shot hadn't managed to hit anyone yet. I have been murdered countless times. I usually mock them over direct chat while they kill me. I figure the least I can do is take the fun out of it. This is actually interesting. It's like you've been institutionalized. This reaction happens in real life as well.
  7. You have a a point. However, it is easily solved by not being a bandit and therefore not getting the bandit skin. Think of the bandit skin as being a way to identify people. So what you're suggesting would be the equivqlent of, "That guy matches the description of a psychopathic murderer who has been killing people for no reason. But, what the hell, I am going to just walk up to him and start talking." That would be dumb, don't you think? What else is the point of the bandit skin than to warn people that you have murdered? Too bad there's not a reward for capturing bandits alive, that could make things more interesting. Throw them in jail, let them try to escape... or get rescued by their bandit buddies.
  8. Less military weapons. More civilian or home made weapons. This is post-apocalyptic, not a military shooter. Or that's what it was originally anyway. I don't know what it is now.
  9. KOS ruined this game. It used to be fun to see what interactions you could have with strangers. Now you know what will happen 99% of the time. KOS may make the game easier for those that choose to do it, but it ruins the most unique thing about the game. Oh well, not the first time selfish childishness has ruined something. Hopefully they will find a way to address it.
  10. If only there was a game like DayZ, except it was more of a military simulation... Hmm. Nope, can't think of one. Sarcasm aside, this is not appropriate for DayZ, in my opinion. The game has been going more and more towards military shooter and I don't understand it. Why play DayZ when what you want is a military sim?
  11. Bongofish

    I want some old school Dayz!!

    I bet if someone created a server and made the game as close to COD as possible, it would be the most popular server around. This mod has been getting closer and closer to that with all the new maps and server-specific settings. It's pretty sad but it is obviously what the community wants. I miss the days when you could have interactions with people rather than shooting at every silhouette you see.
  12. The easy cowadice of being a bandit is its own reward.
  13. Bongofish

    Bullet wounds are horribly unrealistic

    I've never understood the guys who get all bent out of shape about someone calling it a "clip". It's a silly thing to get worked up about. Everyone knows what they mean and only gun nerds care. Personally, it makes me want to continually say clip, because nerd rage is funny.
  14. Bongofish

    Are KOS kiddies cowardly and stoopid?

    Dude, take your Ritalin next time.
  15. Bongofish

    Opinions on this behaviour

    To his credit, without whitelists and constant admin monitoring, it really isn't playable. I had a server for a month and the number of scripters was ridiculous.