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Posts posted by BX1018

  1. Am I the only one who thinks that Nintendo should be on the phone with Dean Hall right now? Nintendo should be calling him, Bohemia, or whoever it takes to see what they can do to try to get DayZ as an exclusive to Wii U (obviously on consoles, not PC). I know so many people that are just like me. They went out and bought a Wii on launch, played it for the first six months to a year, and now it's been collecting dust for the most part. Every system that Nintendo releases since Gamecube they've always been saying they would make sure to always keep the "hardcore" gamer in mind and they really never do. They have their little one off adult game and that's about all you're gonna get for the most part.

    Taking all that into consideration, what better way to push consoles with the hardcore crowd then to get a game like DayZ and get it off of the Sony or Microsoft platforms. Also, they probably can do all sorts of innovative stuff with that tablet controller that might even make PC gamers want to own a second copy. This might help selling more Wii U's to their target audience. It would be awesome to funnel through your inventory on the tablet controller, or have minigames (Rocket once mentioned crafting splints) where you could craft items by somehow using the screen. No more stopping to shuffle through inventory if a zombie apporaches. Just kill, then look back down and keep doing what you're dong. This is really the crap that Nintendo needs to be more proactive on. If they could get 3 or 4 killer exclusives that cater to the hardcore crowd, it would probably greatly extend the life of their system.

    Will I buy a Wii U? Yup. Am I pretty much positive that after a year it will start collecting dust? Yup.
