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Everything posted by Flukeworm

  1. Got past the eternal "Loading" screen, now stuck on "Server responded, creating character." .rpt file sent anyway. Edit: Scratch that. Looks like it was only a freak accident, stuck on eternal loading screen again.
  2. Flukeworm

    m16 or m4a3 cco

    A friend and I both have m4a3's, and we kill zombies with 1-2 bullets to the chest. I don't know if there's a difference between upper chest and lower chest.
  3. Flukeworm

    DayZ Stories

    I may as well share my very short story with my first encounter with Day Z. Hi everyone, btw. So I spawn to the west of Chernogorsk, by the sea. It's daylight, and I look around. Lo and behold, roughly 100 meters to the west is a rubber dinghy, complete with engine and a full fuel tank, so I decide to take it. I sail east, thinking about landing near the city and entering it, but keeping in mind that I'm a complete noob, I decide to try and find something smaller first. I see a zombie on that wave-breaker arm that shields the dock. I get closer, park the boat and kill the engine. I make my way slowly towards the zombie, and look around me to check if others are around, and I see none. So I drop the fucker, and make my way towards him to see if there's any loot on him. While I'm doing this I hear fence rattling. I think to myself: "Didn't I read something about rattling fences in the newbie guide on the forums?", only to be interrupted by screams. Heart racing, I turn tails towards my trusty dinghy, and make a run for it. I jump in, and take off. I look back and see 3 zombies jump in the water, chasing me. I turn around and sail them over, one by one. To my surprise, this kills them. I sail a bit away from the shore, look back and decide to log off, too scared to continue.