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About johnny187896@live.co.uk

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  1. johnny187896@live.co.uk

    Release - DayzTaviana by DayzLand.eu

    So, as a few of you will know, there's a new map out for DayZ. it's called Taviana. It's also absolutely brilliant. it's pretty big (Same size as Chernarus if I remember correctly) and is a beautiful breath of fresh air. Unfortunately the guy behind it stopped work because of the Tungle community getting on his back for not releasing the server files, or something along those lines, which means that he took down the links to his own website to download the Taviana, and also the links to a map of the new island. So, I don't suppose anyone has a copy of the map they can share with me, and everyone else? Thanks for any help in advance :)
  2. johnny187896@live.co.uk

    DayZ Namalsk Server

    Yup, L85A2 AWS. I think there's possibly an ACOG version on Namalsk too.
  3. johnny187896@live.co.uk

    DayZ Namalsk Server

    I don't think you can get planes on Namalsk, at least not on Vilayer.
  4. johnny187896@live.co.uk

    DayZ Namalsk Server

    It's normally advisable to have DayZ installed when trying to play DayZ ;)
  5. johnny187896@live.co.uk

    DayZ Namalsk Server

    Yep, max vehicles.
  6. johnny187896@live.co.uk

    DayZ Namalsk Server

    No idea Min, I've never heard anyone complain about that before. Everything is the latest version :/
  7. johnny187896@live.co.uk

    DayZ Namalsk Server

    The more the merrier :)
  8. johnny187896@live.co.uk

    DayZ Namalsk Server

    Just want to give my new server a bit of publicity :) 40 Slot server, running Namalsk, it should be based in London but Gametracker is saying Luxembourg (DAMMIT Vilayer). Come and join in, I try to keep the server daylight most of the time, and there are 4 server restarts a day. Interested? Filter for "Tartan Army" or connect using Server Rules: 1) No Voice chat in the Side Chat. 2) Only speak English in the chat. 3) Don't abuse the Admin (me), such as calling me a racist (apparently only letting people speak english in side chat is racist. it's not.) or just generally being a dick towards me for no reason. 4) No Combat Logging. See you guys out there :)
  9. johnny187896@live.co.uk

    DayZ Fallujah Private Hive.

    It defo is, try it out man :D
  10. johnny187896@live.co.uk

    DayZ Fallujah Private Hive.

    Right guys, great little Fallujah server here, password is in the server title. Lots of vehicles and just a really well run server, frequent server restarts too. Hope to see you on the battlefield ;)
  11. johnny187896@live.co.uk

    UK 352 Hackers

    If you're one of the 3 hackers who just decided to teleport behind me and my friend, and kill us, then fuck you. I was in front of the hospitals beside the apartments in Cherno, after my friend had been killed by one of the hackers, only to find a white off road pickup and 2 guys in Ghillie and with AS50 TWSs on an ATV. After shooting enough bullets into both of them to kill them straight up, they both jumped off and unloaded into me. Get a grip of yourselves.
  12. johnny187896@live.co.uk

    Nice little haul!

    Nope, we repaired the chopper in Stary Sobor :)
  13. johnny187896@live.co.uk

    Nice little haul!

    Nope, completely different server name, don't worry :)
  14. johnny187896@live.co.uk

    Nice little haul!

    I know no-one is ever completely immune, but we're a lot better protected than usual.
  15. johnny187896@live.co.uk

    Nice little haul!

    Yeah, we had 2 choppers but one of the guys crashed it. The rest of them fly around in the chopper and I drive around in Bert :P