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Everything posted by HDWilly

  1. as the title says. PM me, I'll reply the server and cords. There will be overwatch and you must come alone. Scratch that - Trusted traders only.
  2. This will be in a secure location, you will be watched, come alone, preferably I would like to make the trade now.
  3. NW airfield man, I could meet you halfway though, Stary?
  4. Nope, thats because I've just started out with this whole deal... Bring whoever you want, Im not here to kill you.. >.> Plus, I dont want these guns anymore, they make the game to easy for me, I just want some gear that will help me out..
  5. HDWilly

    Cookies Gun Store ( No we don't sell cookies! )

    AS50 w/ 5 mags for NVGs and GPS?
  6. HDWilly

    ZeroXiz Armory

    Can I get some NVG's and a GPS for AS50 with 5 mags?
  7. If you are a trusted trader then this wont be necessary. How about a mountain dew and a AS50 with 5 mags?
  8. HDWilly

    Critique my planned PC build.

    I don't know why you're so fixated on the idea I'm a salesman. My theory behind it is, considering the money he's spending he's got some money to spend, so to get him something he wont need to upgrade with for a long while, I've recommended these parts. Obviously if someone had some FX 4100 with a single AMD 5450 I wouldn't bother.
  9. HDWilly

    Critique my planned PC build.

    Cnsidering the money he's spending, its only a matter of time until he gets a second 670, this way he'll only need to upgrade the card. He's using stock coolers built to keep the stock clock speeds under control, nothing over... And No, im not working for a company, just giving him tips and ways to avoid overheating. (Tip to OP, make sure if you do go with watercooling to get it in insured) Also its spelt 'Convince'.
  10. HDWilly

    Critique my planned PC build.

    First of all, used a wired connection, I used a wireless networking card and the random cut off's would happen at the worst time. Maybe you could also get a 100GB SSD to load your operating system on, or you're games, this will make stuff run a lot faster. Another thing is the PSU, I think a 800Watt PSU would be a lot more fitting, the kit you have lined up will eat up dangerously close to 700, 800W+ would do it justice. Also, probably most important, Air cooling would put it very close to the point where it will overheat, unless you had some monster ventilation. If you want to over clock anything, remember to use water-cooling.
  11. One day, Battleye randomly said as I tried to get into a server 'Battleye initialization failed' I left it for a day hoping it would fix itself, it didn't, I went to 'Uninstall a program' to try and repair the corrupt files, and the files aren't even there, apparently they have already been unistalled, so I go to the website to try and download it again, and I get a error message like 'BEclient.dll not found' so now Im trapped, I cant download it, and there must be some way, but obviously I dont know, so could somebody PM me, and we could use teamviewer to get this sorted out?
  12. HDWilly

    Need urgent help :(

    Read properly man, I tried downloading but I keep getting error messages. Also, please dont hijack this thread, i cant sort out your problem..
  13. Age: 15 Location (state or territory): UK Skype: hdmatt Time in DayZ: 100+ hours What do you like to primarly do: Sniper, scout, Driver/Pilot (Played alot of Arma 2 OA tactical servers)
  14. I camp on the 2nd highest building sometimes in cherno killing the snipers on the highest, I am a sniper, but the good anti sniper kind.
  15. HDWilly

    Need help with six updater!

    I tried using dayzcommander when I first got it but it told me i cant launch game, six updater usually works perfectly
  16. HDWilly

    Need help with six updater!

    Yeah Im getting it too man, Apparently it cant launch a server because its not ready :(
  17. HDWilly


    Hey bud, I can trade 2 Camo clothing(depending if I can get the ghillie) and a M4A3 CCO with 6 mags for a M16 ACOG and possibly a ghillie, sound fair? I can also sweeten the deal with some cooked meats and anything else I have.
  18. HDWilly

    Scimitar Clan 13+ (Recruiting)

    Status: Hero Skype: hdmatt Location: London England Age: 15
  19. HDWilly

    Buying NVG's and a silenced weapon

    Trading a M9SD with 5 mags and a M4A3 with 5 mags for a m16a4 acog with a couple mags Will edit this post to sweeten the deal some more
  20. Im 15, mature, but I consider myself a joker sometimes. I play DayZ quite seriously, I can get geared up within 5 minutes, no matter the spawn, I am currently a hero, I consider myself a pretty good medic, I don't Shoot on sight unless needed. I am looking for a clan, camps and vehicles are a plus, but not needed as long as I'm with good team players who absolutely know what they are doing. I have skype, teamspeak and a good connection so no random cut offs will happen. Add me on Skype - hdmatt if you can have me ;D Thanks