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Everything posted by Karlhu

  1. Karlhu

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Because rocket has taken the hard science road in dayz having his brother, a virologist, working on the background story to make it believable. I doubt he would see all that trouble just to throw it all away for a winter map. yea, maybe a little. :P But if the zombies roam around in the snow in their wet clothes, not knowing how to get warm and dry, the outcome is the same
  2. Karlhu

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    "believable" would have been a better word to use now that I think of it Anything few degrees below zero is enough to freeze a person to death. Even when temperatures are on the plus side you can get hypothermia and die if you don't know how to take care of yourself
  3. Karlhu

    Standalone Pre-Order

    ^ yup, rocket seems to be very much against preorders so there wont be one
  4. Karlhu

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I've seen a lot of wishes to have winter time chernarus at some point. And I too think it would be nice, but wouldn't it either be hurtful to the story or change the game genre? Why I think this is because the zombies aren't dead, but people infected with a virus (unless I've missed something big). So they still have atleast the basic bodily functions. And so.. they would freeze to death. No mindless eating-machine can survive those harsh russian winters, coldest days going down below -60 Celcius. After the first cold days Chernarus would be zombie free. Even those that stayed indoors would die of hunger before spring. DayZ would no longer be about zombie survival but post-apocalyptic survival. Ofcourse they could say the virus makes the zombies produce some kind of antifreeze in their blood but that would be silly and unrealistic?
  5. -Clothing with effects e.g. waterproof clothing to stay warm during rain, thermal clothing for night, leather jacket to take slightly less damage from sharp melee weapons, rare bullet proof vest, helmets/knee pads and such for better protection against blunt damage (rare riot gear to tank/hold of zombies?) -Rope. A multipurpose item. Some uses could be to tie players/zombies, make tripwires/traps and alarmsystems, climbing and tying splints -Longer range melee weapon like fork or spear made of wood -Lighter that you can fill at fire stations as a more valuable option to matches. Maybe a flint? -No thermal weapons, .50 cals or range finders(since there's no wind effect sniping has to be made harder than it's in the mod) Also silencers and military grade weapons should be very rare and hard to obtain. Something only a well organized group or clan could get their hands on, and maybe occasionally experienced and lucky individual. Hunting gear, police gear and WWII weapons that people have in their homes should be the more common "high tier"