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About Dead-Perfect

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    Parts Unknown
  • Interests
    Murking punks online

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    Zombie Murker
  1. Dead-Perfect

    Random Ideas

    need to sleep need to eat and need to drink..
  2. Dead-Perfect

    What do I need downloaded to play?

    sure, if i end up buying it. still trying to determine if its playable with a controller. also, WarZ is coning out soon. and it looks like its gonna blow this game away. http://forums.thewarz.com/forum.php check out this channel for info http://www.youtube.com/user/MrJoeTrocious?feature=watch
  3. im lookin to setup a controller to see how it feels in this game. i know how to use motioninjoy, pinnacle, and xpadder. what im wondering is if they game will recognize the raw analog input from the sticks, but also allow me to only change the button configs with xpadder... instead of having to disable gamepad support in the game, and make xpadder emulate mouse movement. ive found in pc games that mouse emulation usually sucks. thanks.
  4. Dead-Perfect

    bandits vs heros

    what part of your puny reptile brain concluded that my post was a quote? massive fail.
  5. Dead-Perfect

    What do I need downloaded to play?

    yea, that post was started by a member back in may, and its not even a sticky. the main file site doesnt tell you you have to make folders and stuff, so that add more to the confusion if its still neccessary. so pipe down, Tweakie. Prevail, this is the best video i found that actually made sense without some dweeb running his mouth 75 miles an hour making no sense:
  6. Dead-Perfect

    Random Ideas

    cool story, bro. the fastest they should be is a lumbering shuffle. there just needs to be larger amounts to offset the dificulty. youre obviously not a true zombie fan, or you wouldnt say something that utterly ridiculous.
  7. Dead-Perfect

    What do I need downloaded to play?

    i know, right. there is no tutorial on the damn site on how to install from scratch if you dont have the base games. i watched youtube stuff, got steam, that Play withSIX setup, and still not completely sure. no info on servers either. fukin joke. check this out. hopefully its all here. http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Talk:How_to_install_DayZ
  8. listen to all the lil pc maggot tweens ranting about there awesome mice. lol, yea, you love that lil mousey that lets you flick your wrist with super unrealistic precision, dont ya... you lil scrub. real men use gamepads!
  9. yes. not only add controller support, but make the aiming smooth so controller users dont have a huge accuracy deficiency against MOUSE NOOBS. ket/mouse sucks azz! this is why i dont play pc games. who the hell wants to sit at there lil puter on a stiff puter chair for four hours + getting a sore azz and an arm workout, staring at a lame 19 inch screen. i want to sit on my couch with my ps3 controller and own pc maggots in this game. and to post more about playing with a mouse... the aim accuracy is totally unrealistic. as far as im concerned, the standalone should be CONTROLLER ONLY.
  10. Dead-Perfect

    Invert 360 controller

    xpadder should do it. im about to try this game with a ps3 controller. cant stand keyboard/mouse garbage.
  11. you are the very definiton of a b-bag. nice try, though...
  12. Dead-Perfect

    bandits vs heros

    a good bandit is a DEAD bandit
  13. bandit, muderer, d-bag = one in the same. if you fire first on someone who spotted you but didnt raise their gun, your a scrub.
  14. Dead-Perfect

    Random Ideas

    some ideas.. some might of been mentioned already.. bullhorns/airhorns eat too many beans - farting noise can give you away you can poison an animal carcass wall/tree mines landmines swords bayonetts fire grenades swinging stake traps between 2 close trees, Rambo style gut a human and cook the meat. (zombie envy) vultures build fires with 2 sticks (takes time) better character customization.. everyone looks like they just stepped out of Cabella's hunting games zombies actually bite you, not sissy punch you. and slower, real zombies, romero style, not dead people that can run faster than usain bolt on crack. add some co-op ideas (besides strenth in numbers) that will encourage more people to be friendly to each other and band up, lessoning the paranoia and anti socialism they game fosters. like certain actions that are beneficial require 2 or more people. like: flip a small vehicle vehicle fixing move heavy objects that block doors, street throghways, etc open doors/bulkeds that are too hard for one person boosting on a semi-high roof (that has supplies) with no other access cornering fast animals like wild boar for food. add characters you can play as have certain strenths/weeknesses.. thereby fostering teaming/trading. also adding diversity to characters. characters like scientists, mechanics, hunters, survivalists, etc. like only mechanics can repair vehicles, so they may team up or trade with someone who found parts that they couldnt. hunters can build shelters (make tents harder to find) scientists can build powerful weapons etc, etc..