Greetings, This is [siN] Lotus from the SiN Pdx server. I am here to reply to the accusations of doomed. [siN] Members to the best of my knowledge do not, or have not used any hacks, scripts, or exploits on any of our servers. Our server is a place for our members and friends to play, and we have no rules outside of fair play. Doomed and his friends started on our servers a few weeks ago, and one day I destroyed one of vehicles parked near Factory. Since that time they have made it their mission to make us their enemies. All of this I am fine with, it gives some intensity to the game which I personally enjoy. Last night one of our regulars spotted one of dooms friends near Factory, and one of our members went to investigate. Upon arrival he saw someone running through the forest and assumed that it was one of dooms friends and took the shot. This action flushed out another player who also got shot. If this was really about losing items I would like to bring into question why you and your friends had banned and illegal items on your corpses, and in your tents? We found multiple banned items that could only have been exploited into the game, and our server. This is the reason you were banned, as well as your constant complaining about dying, ONE TIME. If you haven't heard by now the quote "Re spawn and move on" there it is. Move on to another server. We will not tolerate adolescent children abuse our rules and servers. You chose to make the SiN clan your enemies, then bitched and moaned when you got killed. These actions show a lack of maturity which our servers are better without.