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Everything posted by Titulus

  1. Hi there we are a clan currently based on steam, that play a number of games which include(Dayz,TF2,((when it comes out Halo4))Cod and a bunch of other games if you are looking to apply please contact me through steam by adding me as a Friend or by my steam which is below. This is due to the fact that our clan is only by invite. In Dayz we are a Bandit group so if you are a bandit come join us. Also if I have time I will be making youtube videos so please have voice chat. We voice chat through skype, mainly due to chat being dodgy on Steam. Steam:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043938880/ Skype:Titulus5 P.S- Please be over the age of 15 I don't want squeaking in our chats.
  2. As the Title say I think their should be diseases in the game. So you might catch a disease from drinking water or by getting hit by zombies (I'm not sure if any one else may have suggested this before)
  3. Well if I knew about it I would have
  4. Titulus

    Why do you like being a bandit?

    Why for the joy of running around and killing people for their crap
  5. Titulus

    Looking to create a small group.

    @lolking no need for team speak we have been using skype which works successfully and I must agree with your logical thinking if a member dies and the rest of the group is on the other side of the map successfully looting what is the point of the whole group running to the single player? If we are too far away from the single player in our group he will have to find us and we will help him to the best of our ability. So you are completely correct lolking if you want to join our group just add me on skype. My skype is Titulus5.
  6. Titulus

    bandits vs heros

    Well Bandit like killing people for loot... I presume everyone is angry about murdering maniacs who enjoy killing people for the shi*s and giggles. Me personally I'm a Bandit.
  7. Titulus


    I have already accepted in a previous topic but just in case I will post here. I'm Russian but I have mastered English over the years so I have a ripe Russian accent (If needed) Uhh I'm 17 so I guess age is all cool. What time zone are you in?
  8. Titulus

    Dude, where's my tractor?

    I found a broken burnt tractor that I could have fixed if I had the required tools. It was in a plain
  9. Titulus

    New server for bandit groups

    I'm Interested here is my steam page url http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043938880/
  10. Titulus


    haha I had an incident something like that but quite different. I was in Cherno looting a shop and I saw a message saying friendly right behind you no point killing I have nothing anyway. So I turned around to blast the guys face off and their was no one there. I was preetty sad at the fact that I couldn't shoot some face so i went back to going through my gear then I turned around one more time and saw him...well her and held his/her gaze and then bang shot my rifle right at his/her face and then realized that the survivor was trying to get a makarov which was behind me. This was my first survivor kill then I wanted more. Now trying to become a bandit.
  11. I would salute you in game
  12. Titulus

    Bandit Forum

    I would very much like to become a bandit any tips on how to do this? Well i know the basic kill people then laugh on in game chat but how to actually hunt survivors
  13. Titulus

    Bandit squad for YouTube series

    I would like to apply I can give you my steam which is russianlol254 here is my steam page url just in case you are lazy like me http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043938880/