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Posts posted by -Guardian-

  1. Hi there. Now, if you can read, you will already know i'm here to talk about the combat timer that they 'fixed up' in the latest patch. Let me just jump right into it.

    It is just another perfect example of something that was bad in the beginning, got better with the next couple patches, then was pushed too far and is just awful now. You go into combat/logout timer mode for anything that happens in the game. You spend 2 minutes after clearing any area of threats to even log.

    Oh you feel like sprinting? COMBAT TIMER COMES ON FOR THAT TOO. <- Come on this is rediculous.

    I'm one of the people before who wanted it to be fixed to keep people from combat logging every time i held them up or missed my first shot. When they came out with it did fix just that.

    i've found out through other players a way to get yourself kicked from the game if you choose (Map - Units - Server Settings "Script Restriction") but dont you think just once this could be fixed in a reasonable manner instead of forcing people to use exploits to be able to leave the game?

    Just my 2 cents.

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  2. What I would have done, and have done in similar situations

    After making the baitcall about the ride i would then measure from the middle hangar to where i will be setting up at. If i dont have Rangefinders i would quickly make a waypoint on my map to give me the distance. From there of course id sight the rifle in, and honestly i wouldnt make it any farther than 600.

    Once they roll up behind the hangar and ask where im at i would take that opportunity to tell them somewhere with the best angle from my position. Now seeing as only two guys moved up on the hangar and the car didnt leave i would automatically assume there is only 2 guys. No one would wait in a stationary car parked in an area easily seen from the back. So going with what you said though i would have waited until guy #2 goes into the hangar, and would have taken my shot on guy #1 A.K.A the sniper looking for you. Once the sniper goes down the guy inside the hangar is put into a scary situation. You said that you had an M107, so he definitally heard the shot and knows what i am armed with. Left with the fact that his buddy just got shot down from somewhere to the east by an M107 he is at the disadvantage and would probably wait in the hangar to try and get a good shot off on me hoping i didnt know he was there. I would relocate to another angle, it doesnt have to be too hidden and would probably be closer, just away from where i shot the first time. From there its all about what happens next. I love taking people down with the M4 CCO, so who knows I might have put the sniper away and made it a little more personal.

    At any rate though the best way to handle a gun fight whilst being outnumbered would be seperate them and kill one by one. Move as fast as possible, and always try to flank when they least expect it.

  3. Perfect example of it paying off in the end for not killing on sight happened for me a couple months ago.

    I was getting geared up in Berezinho when a Bambi runs up and starts chatting with me (annoying little fella i might add).

    I was pretty set with stuff and he was of no use to me. I wont lie, i did contemplate just killing him and going my own way, but instead I let it play out and had him run with me all the while helping him get geared. About 30 minutes into us running together outside of Staroye, he makes a mention about how he is in a Skype call with 3 other players who are currently at the NWAF. With this in mind I suggest we meet in Stary and run together from there. Little did they know that I too was in a Skype call with a couple friends who were on the server. After we all met up and started to run together i waited until we all were hitting a supermarket to take the chance. while they were checking loot all in the same area (stupid move on their part) i took my headshots. All four dead before they could even react, and these guys were geared to the max. about 15 minutes later my buds met with me at the same grocery store and we all left geared and happy.

    I could have easily killed this guy in the very beginning, but like they say. Sometimes you gotta let the little fish live to find the big fish.

  4. My own two cents.

    Playing the regular Arma is a great way, you may also want to check out some Deathmatch servers on DayZ.

    I too was having some trouble getting comfortable in gunfights until i found this one Deathmatch server that would spawn you in the city of Elektro with an M4. I played that for about 2 weeks and watched my PvP skills improve dramatically.

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  5. I was playing a DayZ+ server a few days ago and had just made it to the north hospital above Cherno with a buddy of mine. as he was looting the hospital for some much needed blood bags, im providing overwatch from an apartment window down the road. just as hes about to leave, 2 survivors show up and start popping rounds towards him with a pistol and a winchester. armed with my AKM i put both of them down before either could even land a round.

  6. I can see the point of this idea, but the fact that you are supposed to die in this game and be someone "different" each time you spawn is somthing that irks me because it just does't translate (luckly :) ) because, well this is a game.

    Here is my suggestion: What if you choose a surname that is permanently linked to your GUID/cd key. Then you can change your first name name as often as you like! And this would also cosmetically address my issue with re-spawning because it implies a "linage" between lives, rather than a reincarnation.

    I know, its kind of symantics, but every little thing counts when it comes to immersion.

    I must say that your suggestion is worth a second of thought, but might i ask what Semantics* has to do with your suggestion? it wouldnt really be semantic seems how youre not really looking into the actual meaning.

  7. Likes to try and control zombies and players alike using the Force.

    Dies a lot.

    DemonGroover. This player is a peculiar one indeed. he spends his time with a small group, roaming the new found Islands of Taviana and Namalsk. Most would say that he is a friendly player, but they do not see the dark side that comes out on the occasional player when he feels the itch to take another mans life.

  8. O rly? I've played maybe 10 hours now on DayZ+ and I've picked up 2 x M249 SAWs, Mk. 48 Mod 0, 2 x M24, M14, FN FAL from choppers. Other then ammo amounts loot seems about the same as regular DayZ.

    You guys must be lucky, or i must be very unlucky. Ive ran around with the same dreaded Ak 74 for days now and havent had any luck finding anything else. Ive ran north, through Zeleno, on up to Lopa. All with a buddy who had a shotgun and the whole time we couldnt find anything to even trade that for.

  9. As I settle into my humble abode and double-click my Dayz Commander I notice in the top right that there is an update available for Commander. Upon updating I notice a new map type available for download simply named DayZ+. Now, being of the curious type, I had to check it out. After downloading it I found a whitelisted server for it and gave it a go. So far what I have to say for it is all positive to say the least.

    *Things marked with * may be only from the whitelist server itself*

    - Zombies hit a lot harder. around 900 per hit

    - Weapons are harder to come by

    -* Side chat isnt enabled whatsoever (not even text)

    -* Display of when someone dies is turned off

    - Survival tools and supplies are scarce

    - Group survival becomes a must

    - Blood bags and Cooked steaks are essential for survival moreso than ever

    After playing this for a couple of days all i can say is that this is how DayZ should have been in the first place. Ive noticed that the PvP aspect has been reduced greatly and replaced with a form of shared hardships that requires the help of other survivors.

  10. Box, if I join your servers and you give me a slightly modified loadout I will make it my business to kill everyone I see on your servers. Your right that it doesn't take long to gear up on Tavi but it does take longer because you don't have anyone watching your back and I move with caution when I am alone. That being said I will look to join your servers asap and contact you. I will also hop on your TS. Is this a US or EU server?

    Dude just join the server and find your own shit like everyone else. Quit trying to get the admin to hook you up with gear. I run lone wolf all the time and find shit to shoot someone with. all i need is a makarov to spoil someones day.

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