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Posts posted by -Guardian-

  1. This bummed me out. One could not help get excited thinking of all of the possibilities with these items. I thought my rugged bearded character would finally get to freshen up in the bathroom of the barracks.

    I also wanted to make some molotov cocktails but that was just a dream that hopefully will be reality in the future.

    Empty whiskey bottle + Jerry can + Toilet paper. Lets get this added!

  2. I don't KOS, only if you're likely to have something I want..

    This is such a contradictary sentence.

    As for my opinion im not sure. Ive been playing this game for roughly 8 months now and have had just about every encounter you could think of. Although i will say, I have yet to get stopped or stop a car with just a verbal confrontation. If a vehicle is driving towards me and i am armed, I will take aimed shots at the drivers cab. Even then, ive never had someone drive up, get out, and try to rob or talk it over. If someone has a vehicle theyre going to shoot. plain and simple.

  3. Bandit on top of Elektro Hospital killed dozens of bambis, they wouldn't stop bitching in side chat, so I flew my group's Huey over there, aimed it properly, then ejected. Helicopter lands on the guy and explodes, killing him instanly.

    What do I get for my noble action? A survivor shoots me in the face with a Lee because I have a bandit mask.

    Would that be the right way to handle a Bandito camping on the Hospital? You just threw away your groups heli man... :facepalm:

  4. My best kill(s) made me feel like a fucking bauss.

    Im driving my disco bus on the outskirts of Stary Sobor one bright and sunny morning headed to Guglovo for my usual midday pick ups when suddenly I see a Ural driving towards me. As fast as i possibly could I pulled hard left, then back to the right, parking my bus in the dead center of the road and putting my door opposite of their side. As the bus was stopping i noticed they too were pulling over about 300m out. As soon as i exited the bus it immediately came under fire from multiple AK & M4 variants.

    Armed with my M16 ACOG, I lean out to peak around the bus when I caught a break in the gunfire to see 4 people running up on me. Two on the left side of the road, and two on the right. I had a shot on the two on the right (the side i was peaking) and took 4 at the lead guy, killing him. As soon as he went down i ran to the other side of the bus, peaked out, and put 8 or 9 more towards the other 2 guys killing both of them. As soon as they went down i laid down and looked behind me towards the right side of my bus to see the forth guy coming around the corner. 3 well aimed shots from my prone position and he went down too.

    Best multi kill ive been able to pull off so far. Got some good stories in here so far :thumbsup:

    • Like 1

  5. ...PvP is a key to this game. Without bandits dayz will be boooring, like a many other single player games.

    We are creating fun for you in dayz,

    This is pretty much the truth. Bandits keep the dayz world going 'round and 'round.

    -Bandits love killing other bandits, keeps the competition coming.

    -Bambies are wary and afraid of the bandits (if theyve been killed/robbed enough), thus making it somewhat a thrill to try and make it out alive in the end with some gear.

    -Heroes love hunting the bandits and saving the bambies.

    -Medics need injured players to rescue and not all of them are for bad Zed situations.


  6. I guess I view it differently, If someone holds me up... and takes my gear and lets me live.. i dont view that as Banditry.

    You could think he just sexually molested you for all I care. What you think its called doesnt matter, that really IS banditry.

    what you went and did above the balota airfield was by definition being a skill-less asshole preying on the unarmed.

    I really dont mind you people doing things like AS50 sniping around balota though. I would prefer getting my AS50 by killing you with whatever weapon i found in the barn behind you than running up north to check crashsites. So with that, keep on doing what you're doing. the vast majority may not like it, but I sure do. ;)

  7. The only people complaining about this are the people who enjoyed combat logging.

    ...they come onto the forums to have a good cry and try to come up with ridiculous scenarios where they NEED to go away from the computer really fast and can't logout.

    You're being extremely simple minded here i might add. Ridiculous scenarios eh? You're right. Doorbells never ring, important phone calls never come in, life never beckons, there just never is anything short of an emergency that would cause you to have to leave the computer. Sure if an emergency were to arise you would run from the computer without even thinking about your character dying. What im making a point about is that this is still considered a game regardless of how some people think of it. I would like the opportunity to abort from a scenario that should be abortable. If im in combat with another player, i would consider my character dead.

    It isnt just Zeds or Players that inhibit your ability to log out now. that is the issue im discussing here, its been taken too far.

  8. The only people complaining about this are the people who enjoyed combat logging.

    Now they actually need to stand and fight or at least get a little better at running away, so they come onto the forums to have a good cry and try to come up with ridiculous scenarios where they NEED to go away from the computer really fast and can't logout.

    Here's an idea, if it's an ACTUAL emergency then just leave the computer.

    If your friend is being attacked by raptors on the I35, just leave the house and go rescue him.

    I can definitely see why you would think that, but I was actually one of the people pushing for a better system before the one came out. Why do people automatically assume the worst out of people?

    I enjoy playing DayZ and everything it brings to the table. I never have combat logged out of a firefight. I take my deaths honorably. Fuck me right?

  9. Fuck the OP, combat timer works perfectly. Stop being so inpatient and get over it

    "Perfectly" is a little overstated. Bugs need to be worked out, and we all agree it does not work "Perfectly"

    Log out timer is bugged out pretty bad, and really shouldnt be any different from the combat timer. Also, i really dont think you should go into combat mode from sprinting. thats a little much. thanks for your fuck though, i appreciate any fuck given.

  10. If you have kids and they need your attention so badly that it can't wait thirty seconds, you put down that damn mouse and you go see to your kids without even thinking about it. It's called being a parent.

    As for the timer, It wouldn't bother me if the timer was actually 30 seconds (and I've never measured it), but it feels like it's actually taking closer to 45-60 seconds, which does seem a bit excessive. Having said that, I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times it's actually been anything even close to an issue for me, as I won't start something I don't want to be disturbed from until I know I won't be disturbed.

    What would be wrong with saving the hours you have spent on the game you were just playing by aborting? it would literally take 2 seconds to abort if you were allowed to.

  11. You have a point. Logging out can be a chore if I get a phone call or something else comes up (kids)

    I have to go find a pine tree or run around for a while to try and get a break. IMO the combat timer is a little excessive. was fine.

    Still, not a major concern though when compared to Zed's walking/hitting through walls and other major issues.

    I completely agree in regards to the last patches timer. the main point of this whole post was that the timer in was just fine yet people still bitched and moaned about it not being perfect and as a result it got worse.

  12. When are you in such a hurry you don't have 30 seconds to wait to abort? :huh:

    Sometimes you dont have 30 seconds mate.

    Like the guy before me said, sometime things come up. if my kid fell down and started crying id like to be able to quickly log and tend to him. in that situation would you wait 30 seconds? sometimes 30 seconds seems a lot longer than it really is.

    *(i dont have children, just playing devils advocate)*

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  13. People complain about everything, and kept complaining after it was perfectly fine. - Last patch - so they listened and made it what it is now. pure shit,

    I wasnt kidding when i said that it comes on when you sprint, how does that make any sense whatsoever? And you use the word Instantly as if you could actually do that.

    I don't think you got the fundamental reasoning behind this post and what im getting at.
