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Posts posted by -Guardian-

  1. No lore has been released. Any speculation about zed behaviour can only be based on what we've witnessed in-game. Which isn't much.

    You can't say "we are basing these zombies of the 28 days later zombies" because you don't know that.

    Inspiration will be taken from various sources, but that doesn't mean they'll follow the same rules.

    at this point everything we say about the zombies will be speculation seems how we have little to nothing to go on.

  2. The only thing that I think would be good is the custom paint job. The machine gun and the side car wouldn't work that well, would you ever see a Motorcycle with a mounted machine gun in real life? :P

    Yeah... as Gews pointed out with pictures this is something that was used heavily in WWII

  3. New players, Veteran players, People looking for a new server, and the random stragglers

    i wanted to share with you a server that has


    Good group of admins

    No added bullshit



    Night/Day Cycling

    And last but not least, a good time.

    Everyone that plays on our server enjoys themselves and suprisingly ive noticed that over half arent KoS.

    The only thing our server did throw in was a few extra vehicles. just a few.

    We didnt add 400+ vehicles, with 10 choppers.

    Just a few more so finding one once in a while is possible.

    We also make sure no one is hording all of the vehicles on the map.

    We take pride in the fundamentals of DayZ

    We have a Dedicated teamspeak server always populated and friendly

    If you've got some time on your hands and you or your group is looking for a new place to call home, come check it out

    Teamspeak : ts3.thedgclan.com:9217

    DayZ Server IP :

    We look forward to having you join us!

    Also, if you have any questions on anything i didnt go over here feel free to post or message me.

  4. Have you ever considered the fact that maybe loot needs to be removed from the world? If every item that's been looted remains in the world then the rare items build up over time and aren't rare any more.

    Like I said in my last post - I don't think it's important for every aspect of the game to be 100% realistic as long as it represents something realistic.

    I took the reasoning behind loot degradation explaining why loot shouldnt just disappear. Forget the argument of whats the most realistic approach, literally hiding the body somewhere (not in the ground in 5 seconds) just makes more sense.

  5. The only thing I like about the 28 Days later fiction is the fact that the zombies aren't the risen dead but just infected people. The rest of the 28 days later fiction related to the nature of the virus completely unbelievable, unscientific, unauthentic bullshit.

    It gives the idea that the virus is somehow intelligent and is systematically controlling the infected to spread itself. Doesn't make any sense since viruses can't think.

    There was another related thread that I forgot to mention in a previous post:


    Can you take a second and read a little? one of the first replies to this thread has that link to the other post in it. please stop posting duplicates.

    Im also with you on the fact that its a little unbelievable on the aspect of the Virus being able to think. I agree with the earlier post relating this to dogs chasing cars. if its moving i must chase it. I cant say why they dont attack each other though.

  6. The way i put it in my topic http://dayzmod.com/f...reedinghunting/ The infected inhabit the towns and cites and animals are king in the woods. So if they cross paths say any large animal gets too close to a town and sees 30 infected that animal isnt going to attack or go near 30 infected or humans for that matter if it is in a normal state of mind its just gona run away so no confrontation. And if the infected decide to chase it four legs are faster then two so they will lose aggro of it pretty quickly. But say if they are straggler infected head into the woods they would get hunted down in the woods by the large predators bears,wolfs or killed by big herbivoures if infected tried to attack. So confrontation would take place but rarely and only in the woods as it would only make sense.

    Posting a link to your topic is pointless if you explain it all here anyways right? I think that your take on it is going a little too far with the predators. Now, I could be wrong but Im just not too sure the big predators will be added. In the beginning anyway. Plus the way the cows are now, they couldnt run away from anything even if they wanted to.

  7. Custom loadouts(pay to win) seems like another tactic servers use as well *sigh*

    these servers also are a joke. *Donate 10 Dollars and start out with a DMR* my ass. people who actually give these servers money are the Pathetic ones. I would like nothing more than for all those donating to get gear to stay on those servers. Keeps them out of my hair.

    • Like 1

  8. I saw everyone giving so much love to BB servers just to join one and run into 6 Barracks, 3 Medical tents, and a grocery store in Kamenka. I feel for you man, even the popular communities are plagued with added things making the game a cakewalk straight to high-end gear PvP.

    *nice group of people though dont get me wrong*

    - I understand BB has a Hardcore server as well, but ive never seen more than 5 people on it. The only ones that were populated literally had Barracks all over the place. too easy people.

    I will be sticking to the DeadlyGaming Vanilla Private Hive from now on.

  9. I think its a sound idea, but I think animals should have a lower detection chance from Zeds.Larger slower animals such as Cows, Sheeps, Goats and Pigs/Boars should be fairly obivious to spot from Zombies (say between a hearing range of 20m and a Sight range of 50-60m) and I don't think they should attract a massive horde, a few zombies initially for example.

    Smaller animals attract even less Zeds, Dogs, Rabbits and Chickens for example sometimes only attract 1 or 2 if they come within close proximity, (5m hearing range and 10m sight range).

    Zeds should also "taint" the meat once they've killed it, given players a chance to pickup tainted meat which offers a high chance of infection and half the original blood restored when cooked. But eaten raw offers instant infection and no blood restoration.

    This would also somewhat tie into the idea of the player and world always having a trail left behind. One wouldnt know if the animal was killed by a player or by a zed.

  10. I try to play in the 'Mountain Man' style of game-play (hunting game and only venturing into town for ammo/medical supplies) and fighting over prey with zed would be an interesting part of my day. Since the update I've found it increasingly hard to find woodland critters to eat, and this would add a whole new dimension to it which I can appreciate.

    Same. Me in the forest running into a zed and cow is what initially started this idea, and from there Ive already thought of quite a few situations this could affect gameplay in a good way.

  11. Stupid? Maybe, you either hate it or you love it. I can without a doubt say that it would demolish your collection of my little pony to dust faster than you could blink.

    1. I'd love to see you in the army. "Fucking terrorists are using to overpowered weapons.. Devs, please nerf!!" haha.

    2. Does it matter the genre? AA-12 would probably do just as much damage in a zombie movie as in an action movie. The Expandables though is old school brute force action. But the realism in the two are pretty much the same.

    Since when did we compare someone complaining about an overpowered gun in a game to being in the Armed Forces in real life?!?!? c'mon i know you can't be that dense to think that was a valid argument. This gun (AA-12) would be the essential spray n pray gun of choice by anyone who would like to blind fire at moving targets.

    I understand some people would just love for this to be a game solely based on Hardcore Free for All Deathmatch in the streets,

    but no..

    just nooooo.

    please just stahp.
