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Posts posted by -Guardian-

  1. FFS, this is exactly what the suggestion is??

    No point in acting like an asshole by pulling two lines from my entire post and throwing it out of context. Also, if you would have read my entire post you would see that it ISN'T going with your full suggestion.

    The first line in your post says

    Suggestion: When a character is killed (by zed or another player) that characters body "reanimates" into a zombie (much like The Walking Dead).

    the reason i said Only part of this should be introduced was explained in my entire post if you would have paid attention. You cant come back as a zombie if you get killed by a player, because you got killed. The zombies like theyve said a zillion times arent dead, just infected.

    * Taken from the post you pulled those two sentences from since you didnt read them the first time*

    When you die to a player, or a car/heli crash, or falling from the top of a 6 floor building, it will clearly say "YOU ARE DEAD" < your body will not reanimate

    When you get attacked by zombies and they swarm you taking you to no blood left, it will say "YOU ARE INFECTED" < your body will reanimate

  2. I think only part of this should be introduced.

    Rocket has made it clear the zombies are in fact just really sick people, not the dead walking.

    This is how id make this work for the best that pleases both arguing sides.

    When you die to a player, or a car/heli crash, or falling from the top of a 6 floor building, it will clearly say "YOU ARE DEAD"

    When you get attacked by zombies and they swarm you taking you to no blood left, it will say "YOU ARE INFECTED"

    Having said that, it wouldnt change anything. you wont walk around like an infected, you just respawn like normal. Although, your body will be animated when you click respawn and will walk with the infected. <--- Best way for this to work so far

  3. I'm going to have to agree to this idea. But it would be a pain in the ass if I got an SVD camo + ghillie suitand then I get horded by a bunch of zombies then lose my SVD camo and ghillie suit then it would a real pain in the ass. Not to mention my corpse spawns as a proning zombie with the ghillie suit then wonders into the forset then it would make things virtually impossible.


  4. with the millions of people who play dayz how many do you think will walk out with free dlcs?

    and your use of the word *millions* makes this MOD seem to have a much larger player base than it really has. we are looking at MAYBE 2 million. and thats pushing it.

  5. I don't really think this should be added though. I think most people really don't think achievements are right for DayZ (I sure don't).

    I could see some sort of online leaderboard for who's survived the longest, but that's it.

    If there isnt going to be anything like this added it will just keep going back to a PvP game anyway you look at it. people get bored and start killing each other. For DayZ to be what it has the potential to be it needs to start giving people incentive to do certain things. if there was incentive for ALL things, it really wouldnt steer anyone into playing a certain way either.

    * I am strictly against achievements, unlocks, or anything of the sort. I just want a simple - lets say title - for staying alive. If a leaderboard was implemented to easily be accessed and tracked id like it.

  6. But this isn't going to do anything but encourage KOS, which really isn't a direction the game needs to go.

    not really, it encourages staying alive longer more than anything else IMO. I wouldnt suggest that killing other people increases your level as much as just simply staying alive does.

    You could even pull tasks as a way for you to gain a higher level. (im just brainstorming here)

    things like

    - X amount of meat cooked

    - X amount of Tires/Engines/FuelTanks fixed

    - X amount of Zed kills

    Im still trying to think of ways this could actually be implemented.

  7. I think Animals should eat Zombies.

    Human --> Animal --> Zombie --> Human

    Just an Idea

    The main thing i worry about for this idea is all the things that will be happening on the map other than what a player will be doing. If we have animals and zombies attacking each other all over the map we can expect it to run slower.

  8. The leveling idea is something id like to see if done properly, for it could be done wrong extremely easy. I would want it just as a way to show experience in the game. Just as a way to tell how long another player has been kicking in a sense. What i would not like to see would be any gain for being a higher level other than that though.

  9. DeadlyGaming's Lingor

    Lingor has and always will be one of my favorite DayZ maps to date. The layout and the military spawns just make it a very flush map. When this map came out there were quite a few different servers out that were well established and fun to play, but that's died down to hardly any the past few months.

    The DeadlyGaming community wanted to bring back some of that old flair this map used to have by providing a server that was 'Back to the Roots' in a sense. We wont start you out with a sniper, all the tools, and a backpack. We also wont add 500+ vehicles with 20 helicopters. You start out with the old fashioned startout gear. Painkillers/Bandage/Flashlight. From there you'll get to experience the map for all it was ment to be.

    Server Restart - 3 hours

    Auto Refuel - ON

    Our servers have always been handled with pride and fairness. We've got a great set of Admins that will ensure nothing fishy will go on, and when it does we will take care of it in a timely manner.

    What im asking from you all is to come join us and try out another map for some good times. We would love to get our player base back to what it was when we ran a Taviana Vanilla server not too long ago. We also have a Teamspeak channel always chalk full with people playing.

    Teamspeak = ts3.thedgclan.com:9217

    DayZ =

  10. Watching a zombie flailing around trying to catch a chicken would be cool or one with feathers in his mouth. Yet in a believable way all the animals would disperse from a horde of running zeds, maybe one cow would get mauled. So your gonna end up with them all in the woods, zeds included. After server starts it would be a bit nuts with migrating zeds everywhere. I want it though, oh yes!

    Well with the current idea Rocket is running with, having zeds all over the map at all times, they would be in the woods anyways i think.

    I am excited to see what the Devs do with this :thumbsup:

  11. I bet there are hundreds of other servers doing the exact same thing every single day behind closed doors.

    It is astonishing to me that everyone hates on admins literally more then they do on hackers!

    But hey, not a single person filled a complaint about INS or any other admin (even when we did fly-bys in the hueys) UNTIL the videos were posted. Again I go back to my first point, no one would of ever even known.

    Laugh, I hope you enjoy slandering other servers in the future. Seriously a good person would have NEVER done what you did,

    First off, is this your first time here??? people hate on hackers 10 - 1 compared to admins. your argument is invalid.

    Second, your whole defense here is saying other people are doing it, just not getting caught. That doesnt make it okay jack-ass.

    Third, you saying "no one would have ever known" makes you sound like a complete joke. go get your fucking gear legit and quit calling out the guy who exposed you for getting spawned in gear.

    It amazes me you try to make him out to be the bad guy here.
