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Posts posted by -Guardian-

  1. Realised how damn rare they are. got in a firefight with some ass and his giant machine gun. So I sprayed him with burst. poor daniel ;_;

    In other words. I had to trade it out for a dmr... dmr isnt that bad honestly.

    Still got a ghillie.

    Main reason why i requested more mags.

    The DMR is a great gun, just a little over-used.

    I currently actually have a FN FAL on my main character with 5 mags with an M24 in my bag. *Favorite loadout*

  2. The extent of detail youre going into on some of the animal ideas such as breeding to meat (pun intended) a specified criteria of how you want your dog to be is too in depth to even begin talking about implementing even a year after SA release.

  3. Balota Buddies ( ;) ) is definitely an apt place to regular!

    You'll have to get Whitelisted to play on their servers, but it's well worth the 2 minutes!


    tbh the whitelisting process for Balota Buddies took longer and was more extensive than any other one ive gotten whitelisted on. Took me a good 45 minutes to an hour to finally have someone on the teamspeak (thanks again inception) to help me out with an interview.

  4. Hello. I'm very new (have installed, haven't yet played) and I'm curious about servers as well. Can someone tell me what is important when choosing a server? Is geographic location important (I'm in New Zealand)? Do different servers have different rules and such? Is game content the same in each server? Do I need permission to join a server or do I just select one, start the game and go?

    I'm pretty new to online games as a whole so sorry if I ask dumb questions. And I thought I should ask in an existing thread rather than start a new one with the same topic but if I should have done that someone let me know. :)

    Geographic location plays a role to an extent depending on how strong your internet connection is and how good your computer rig is. All i really look for in servers is a steady player base, with active admins. Whitelisted servers is always an added plus.

  5. if youre looking for a good game to play, Arma 2 is a fun game to play and in my opinion worth the money all in itself. DayZ is also well worth it once you get used to it, and coming from someone else who also loves TWD, this is the closest you can get to the show with a game. I also mean that in every aspect. I wont spoil anything in the show, but the way they treat people in that show is a likely way you may get treated in game. hardly anyone trusts anyone man.

  6. It all depends on the situation and what you want to do/what you are ok with doing. It all can boil down to fight or flight though.

    It's fairly easy to just remain hidden and bail out if you spot them first, or get the jump on them if you wish. It's when you two meet at the same time or they spot you and fire on you do things get a bit tricky.

    This^ pretty much sums it up. If youre trying to avoid confrontations with people, id start to get acquanted with the areas of the map that people dont frequent. Cherno / Elektro are two id avoid all-together as they usually always will run you into someone.

  7. Strangely enough i have found the best places to hide tents are in towns/villages nobody goes. Small villages that have very little loot spawns are infrequently visited by players. Hide a tent by some trees next to a non spawn building and it very rarely gets raided.

    I wont go into detail as to how i hide my tents, but this is good advice. My tents have never been touched, ever. and theyve always been inside a small town. much more goes into it than that but ill leave you to ponder said techniques. :P

  8. It really amazes me how impatient people are that take the time to complain about it here on the forums. Its upsetting to know they feel like this standalone is owed to them in some way in which it gives them the right to complain about a late release.

    Im still having a blast with the mod as is, and am even enjoying some of the other mods out there as well. Take all the time you need developers, Ill be here ready to play the finished product when youre done.

    • Like 3

  9. Im new to DayZ, how do I go about finding this server? Im guessing i have to type something in the filter?

    It depends on how you downloaded DayZ.

    If you downloaded DayZ Commander you need to go over to the *Favorites* tab, and add the IP and Port to the top left section.

    If you ran it through Steam you can search the IP in the filter.

    Also on either program if you just search Deadlygaming it should bring it up

    • Like 3

  10. The DeadlyGaming Community would like to share with you

    the chance to play DayZ the way it was meant to be played.

    Here on our Private hive Chernarus server you dont spawn with anything special. There aren't 400+ Vehicles with 20 Helicopters, but we made sure there were just enough for someone to find one. We here dont agree with starter perks for donating either, nor do we ask for donations.

    This server is somewhat new so there isnt much of a player base yet, but it has the potential for it, and the plan to whitelist is also being looked at once we get a steady group of players.

    -│ Vanilla US hosted server│-

    -│ Active Admins from DeadlyGaming.com│-

    -│ Server Restart every 3 hours with a full Day/Night cycle

    to ensure the best experience│-

    -│There are no Death messages or nameplates│-

    -│Crosshairs are on at the moment but are subject to removal│-

    - │Side chat text & voice is enabled, just keep chatter to a minimum.│-

    - │Active Teamspeak : ts3.thedgclan.com:9217│-


    - │Dayz IP:│-

    Back to the RootZ

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