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Posts posted by -Guardian-

  1. If i had a nickel for everytime i lost gear... id have about 2 bucks.

    i Did and it all seems a waste of time.

    Welcome to the world of VIDEOGAMES even if you would have kept all of that stuff, it is still and always will be a waste of time.

    that being said i cant wait to get off work and play me some DayZ!!!

  2. Gah i wish someone would fall dead in front of me with gear like that...

    me too man, me too. even better, a couple days ago i had just died and as i respawn i see a hacker in front of me about 200 yards out going full auto with a golden AK into the air, then he turns around and drops a hacked box and leaves the game. go me.

  3. I think there should be a different level skin for each; hero and bandit. like -1000 to -5000 be one bandit skin, then -5001 to -10000 be another. and same for hero skin. that would give people incentive to try and get the higher up hero/bandit skins, or vice versa it will let you know how high of value the bandit/hero is that you see.

    • Like 5

  4. My suggestion to you for how you could 'work better' would be to actually learn how to play the game. by watching your video i can already tell how inexperienced and or new you are. get comfortable with the weapons and spawns, and youll naturally do better. who knows, you may find out this game has more to it than hunting newspawns.

  5. Many thanks for your encouragement, guys – sometimes I need a kick up the backside to get motivated.

    Seeing as you asked, I will get all my scraps of paper and screenshots together tonight and have the next episode up over the weekend.

    Awesome, the story line youve got so far is put together quite well. Ill be looking forward to the next episodes.

    • Like 1

  6. If your bored and you want to help then the server is SE 53 ip is ( :2302), and i dont think that we are looking to team up with anyone right now, we are a pretty tactical team...

    Are you serious? you have to be kidding... Finding a vehicle is not easy, yet not as hard as youre making it seem. If your team is "tactical" then you will find a vehicle without trying to have someone 'give' you one, especially on a specific server.

  7. So last night i noticed a new map called Panthera available to download. Ive played it for a couple hours and came to the decision it will be a good one. the steep mountains and wooded areas, with a high vehicle count has already given me some intense playtime in the short while of having it downloaded.

    the first 30 minutes i was playing, i found the Osprey at the north airfield and was flying around the whole map.

    (very hard to fly btw, for me anyways)

    If anyone else has already played the map, please give your personal opinion of it

  8. 1. Find a server with a lot of people

    This is the main thing to do. Where are people, there are camps.

    Ok I will go ahead and stop you there. in MY experience if noticed low population servers that average 5 - 15 people have the best camps.

    Why? think about it. why would you want to make a camp on a server with a shitload of people on it, knowing someone will find it eventually and loot you for everything. Instead wouldnt you want a camp on a server that doesnt have as much traffic, where you can build up gear to use on other high pop servers?

  9. I'll just lay out the main things in my opinion on here.

    - Nothing is too messed up for a Bandit.

    - Use any means necessary to gain trust

    - Kill anyone who has better loot than you

    - Get a partner who you know will run with you

    - Dont miss, Especially sniping

    - Stay away from high traffic area centers, but watch them for Zombies,

    -Zombies = Players. always keep an eye out

    All i could think of for the moment, but those are the basics for me.
