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Posts posted by -Guardian-

  1. "* [NEW] New Combat System If you fire a weapon, someone fires a weapon near you, or a bullet/object impacts near you, then you go into combat. During combat, "ABORT" is disabled. If you ALT-F4/close anyway, your character is considered "combat logged" and instantly killed and leaves a body."

    Good luck adjusting bro.

    I hope this is true. I really do.

  2. Recently our crew has adopted a new tactic to mass murder anyone unlucky enough to be still logged in while we are on the hunt. Instead of old fashion DMR/Snipe camps, we grab any assault rifle short range (AK, M4A2, etc) basically anything that can unload lots of led fast. Get in to the vehicle and start driving around the survivor hotspot cities like Cherno or Electro. Typically when you see Zs in a city that a good indication a survivor is near by. So we circle around and let out some of our guys out in to a positions while the driver keeps vehicle moving in circles around city blocks to keep train of Zs and chaos going. Most survivors are then methodically face f*cked by guys on the ground or the vehicle as they try to run or take potshots at the moving car. We literally murder by dozens on a busy servers. This beats sniper camping any day, fun and fast murder spree.

    We were doing exactly this last night on Namalsk. we had two camo UAZ's and were just driving around until we found some Zeds. then we just all jumped out and went NUTS.

    You have my beans

    • Like 1

  3. So I guess it's back to killing anyone I come across again. I tried the whole "be nice to people" idea and it didn't go well. I was playing medic on Namalsk. I had a Van, and a load of medical supplies. I was completely unarmed, and wanted to just help people.

    I was answered with gunfire everytime. I ended up dying 4 times in an hour, since i spawned close every time and got my things to try it all again. I commend the people who play medic and are actually successful at it, because it must be a pain in the ass.

  4. lol and this is supposed to validate the actions you perceive as being a Bandit or a PvPer?

    When in actuality all these people who claim they're PvPers or Bandits are just out to grieve others. It is what it is but it still puzzles me as to why.

    They just do it because they can. I don't really believe it goes any further than that. A lot of people are trying to dissect it to find alternative motives and I find THAT puzzling.

    Also, once you hit a point to where you are completely geared out, some just like to see how many murders they can rack up in the shortest amount of time. Armed or Unarmed, it's still a murder and there is no problem with that. If you believe that this isnt how the game should be played, I suggest proposing a way to fix it. arguing about it on the forums will solve nothing. (except for people like me who are trying to waste time at work of course)

  5. This can be used in other ways as well, like if someone were to change servers and you wanted to kill them you can easily check and see if he has joined another server.

    i know this because it happened to me.. i was done killing people after being held up in an apartment building for about an hour and i wanted out. i couldnt leave the building because it was an all out war out there so i was just going to join a low pop server to walk somewhere close and log for the night(and i hate logging off in buildings.)

    as soon as i join an empty server, another guy from the last game joined and sniped me as soon as i left the building. i knew it was the same guy because i had killed him twice before and knew he was camping outside. Lesson learned, but definitely showed me you can search someones name and find them pretty easily. especially if it is a unique name. you will probably have more than one name like "Matt" of course.

  6. I love how technical people are getting with the term "bandit"

    It's pretty simple folks. A bandit is someone who did something that falls under the lines or acts of betrayal, theft, murder, kidnapping, etc. Pretty much anything that may benefit them in the long run. And bandit 1 may not loot, but he still feels safer knowing you arent close by.

  7. Thing is..you more than likely put him into the kos mindset now, or you are at least tipping the scales.

    That was also something i was worried about.. I know that if i were in his shoes I wouldnt trust him twice.

    So.. honestly i would have just killed him again out of fear that he would shoot me for killing him the first time.

    Then i would feel bad for betraying him again...

  8. Yeah same man. I killed a guy yesterday, and he answered with 'u dick' I felt so bad I went back and gave him a weapon and stuck with him for a LONG time. Seriously, getting to know people is so much funner than killing them. I just feel so bad. I wouldnt, however, if there was a PvP ONLY (and PvE) server, where people didnt get so sad and cut after being killed. Cause I never really do.

    I was going to try and really help him if he would have still trusted me, but he logged off.

  9. So you spawned fresh and was so fresh you didn't even have a main weapon.

    Yet, you have ghillie and binoculars.

    Damn cheaters. I totally agree with you.

    (Oh...not you, them of course)

    First few lines of the OP say that he found a Ghillie suit. Read next time you feel like calling someone out on something

    • Like 1

  10. Last night while playing with some buddies on our usual Panthera server, a random new spawn asked for a pick up from the helicopter.

    They decided to go get him but ended up shooting him while he was on the bridge. I guess at one point they changed their minds. After finding him again, and killing him again i felt bad for the guy and started chatting him up seeing if he wanted a pick up. i told the heli to leave me alone in my UAZ so that the guy would think im not with them. i ended up picklng this guy up at the north airfield. We drove around and talked in vehicle chat for about 20 minutes and he seemed like a real cool guy. On our trip we pulled up to a car on the side of the road, and both got out to take a look. Well.. as soon as he got into the gear i put a couple rounds of my M9SD into the back of his head.

    He just typed "zzzzzzz" into side chat and logged off. Now typically i would laugh and keep playing but i genuinely felt bad for this! I dont know whats gotten into me lately, for i am usually about as dirty of a bandit as my imagination permits me to be.

    Could it be that the Bandit playstyle has gotten old? Is it possible that i actually want to help people now?
