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Posts posted by -Guardian-

  1. So you actually have a player who is 14?!?

    I am giving thought to checking you guys out, but i dont deal with little fuckers, and i cannot possibly imagine him to be filled with info for the game. Im willing to join up with Experienced DayZ'ers.

    It is a direct contradiction to the name of your clan to have any 14yr old DayZ player.

  2. The 'Skin' System is flawed to the max.

    You need to add that the hero skin shows your backpack which is a flaw.\

    Oh and this of course.


    You can get hero skin in 1 minute.

    You can stack humanity using one bloodbag.

    (20,000 humanity in 2 minutes)

    You can literally get hero skin, stack humanity, and go on killing rampages without ever losing the hero skin.

    Then spawn with it when you die!

    Extremely broken.

    Ive known of this for months now and it still hasnt been fixed

    So now i am just going to broadcast it in hopes that the more people who abuse it,

    the more attention will be drawn to it.

  3. Thats good man. I play like that on occasion.

    Last night on my little murder rampage i pulled up to a survivor and told him to hop in. 5 seconds later i realised this guy had the audacity to try and take some of my gear from my SUV. So much for me trying to be nice, so i run him over and get my beans back.

    Your story is much better though, you have my beans good sir.

  4. Id like to say that robbing people is something i enjoy to do in chernarus, and its something that i can usually pull off pretty well.

    Then i have situations like last night where i was robbing someone on the NWAF. I tell him to drop his weapon or die, and after a quick little whiny discussion he drops it. he then mocks me and says "You're no bandit, real bandits kill on site. You're just a pussy."

    Of course i responded to this with a bullet to his head for being ungrateful. I was going to let him live, yet he would rather die. at the NWAF at that! I hope he had fun spawning on the beach.

    Robberies make the game more interesting, even when they go wrong. All that did was piss me off and send me on a killing rampage driving up and down the coast in my SUV running over survivors and anything else in my way. - That is being an asshole, not a bandit i know. Fun nonetheless.

    • Like 1

  5. Im sorry i can't resist..

    Do you just think some survivor with a completely fixed up heli is going to come to you asking for a ride somewhere? Youll go to them, hop in their heli, take them to where they need to go.... then what? Is it your helicopter now? or do you just leave their helicopter with them when they cant fly. How about this.


    If you are in a situation to where you need to fly a helicopter but cant then do this!

    Open Arma 2 > Go into missions > Do the helicopter courses

    You can learn the rudimentary skills needed in 10 minutes!

    Your post made me laugh though, thanks for that.

    • Like 1

  6. The first week of the stand alone coming out will really set the precedent as to how well it will sell. If it is everything they say it will be and more with a lot of good reviews then i would expect even more than the 1300000 mark. then again it could go the other way if it doesnt stand to the expectations.

  7. Hi all,

    This message is for Daniel i killed yesterday night (Mon 12 Nov 2012).

    At the moment we met in the field i was actually rolling a spliff with a small screwdriver in my keyboard, i was not paying attention to my screen.

    Suddenly you are there running around me, i completely flipped out and started to panic, i emptied a clip all around you and then i lost sight of you, you were behind me with that shottie.

    You still didn't shoot iand still i killed you :(

    I really felt bad when i killed you, you had way more chances of killing me and you didn't.

    I want to make it up with you, when you see me on server give me a shout and i'll make sure you have your gear back.

    Sorry again mate, i'm not a bandit.

    Whats funny is i do the exact same thing with a bottle opener and my pipe.

    Always loading or smoking with auto walk on, i just bought a Razor Blackwidow keyboard though so i think i can set a key to toggle auto run

  8. That is exactly what i do.

    Gear on low pop, PvP on high pop.

    I kill people allllll the time, at least 5 kills a day.

    The difference is i never shoot first. Its always someone with a hot trigger trying to gain some quick loot. The thing to remember is that there are friendly people out there.

    I have 11 murders on my current character and i am as friendly as can be ;)

  9. I enjoy going to the Namalsk underground barracks to hear the little girl scream, and also pick up a railgun or two along the way ;)

    More on topic, the Red Eyes at night on Namalsk combined with the Predator noises leads me to believe that there is a custom predator AI on Namalsk, so next time you see the red eyes unload a clip or two into them! There may be a mountain dew near by...

    I play Namalsk the most now just for the PvP, and I like to play night servers too, but ive never seen the red eyes. Now i have something to look for next time i play!

  10. You could scout the edges of the map for peoples' tents and watch those, or you could look for camps around Devil's Castle and the airfields. If you're lucky enough, you could bag yourself a car or even the fabled helicopter!

    About a week ago i started a new private hive and spawned in Kamenka. Instead of running along the coast through Kamarovo then Cherno, I went into town for some food and water and headed west. Once i hit the debug zone (edge of the map), i zig zagged all the way up to the northern edge, then across to the NWAF. On this trip i found 3 seperate campsites. Definitely a good strategy, and safer than going along the coast.

  11. Ok. @Simmon & @Lone Warrior

    This argument is completely pointless and off topic. It went from a discussion over why you kill or why you do not kill unarmed players, Into two people arguing over their own mental stability. Although it was somewhat amusing at first, both of you just got under each others skin and began to babble. I hope both of you can look at this and see how you BOTH were acting childish. This was a friendly discussion turned into bullshit from both sides.

    Now, back to the original topic.

    I understand both sides of this argument. I can see why you would feel killing an unarmed player is justified. I can also see why killing an unarmed player is wrong. What it really comes down to is this simple fact. You will play the game in your own way, and justify your actions accordingly. Either way, the game will go on, for such is the balance of DayZ.
