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Posts posted by -Guardian-

  1. I always roll with an M16 variant or m24. DMR ammo isnt hard to fine, and that is 4 5 round M24 clips. And 90% of the time m24 is 1 shot one kill, M16 double train to the head, no more is needed unless in a fire fight. Im not big on wielding 50 cals or LMGs so ammo isnt a prob

    Always huh? Explain how this is possible when you are starting new on a private hive, or if you have just died.

    You cant always pick and choose your weaponry bud. you take what you can get.

  2. I believe that there can actually be an organized bandit group

    I will even go as far as to start this so called unheard of group.

    SO. if you are interested this is what needs to happen.

    (These are my requirements)

    >no less than 18 years old

    >no less than 2 months DayZ or Arma2 experience

    >Have Teamspeak downloaded

    >Cannot be a Dipshit

    Do not post on here with your info.

    If you are interested in this Uber Pro Tactical Bandito Squad PM me.

  3. Like the guy above said that isnt necessary, however you can get capture cards that do all the rendering on the card so that you're CPU isnt being used therefore improving performance, but if you have the hardware it isnt necessary.

    But the most time and (dunno if you would call it effort) effort would probably go into uploading the thing to YouTube if its a big file :D 1080p videos can take forever, and if you have a bandwidth limit (or whatever its called) you'll be using a lot up...I think?

    well when it comes to bandwidth i should be fine. ill take the time on monday to research it since im off.

    I tried live streaming, but it dropped my FPS signifigantly in game whilst streaming. what do i do about that?

  4. I saw the shots pierce the ground right next to his legs, i was not more than 85 meters away when i fired the shots, yet he dissapeared and left behind the 20+ Zeds that were following him and he was punched by them aswell. How do you explain that?

    Not too sure bud. We can't forget this is still an alpha with issues around every turn. I was being shot at earlier without returning fire and the timer came on.

    Also yesterday a buddy of mine with a Hatchet was taking out zombies about 50 meters away from me and the timer came on then too.

  5. It is an exploit and a bitch move, you are only cheating yourself out of the game. If you resort to tactics like this you are just lessening the game. Do this on my server and I will ban you

    Im curious, How would you know that someone was doing this? Would you be able to gain inconclusive evidence that he logged specifically for this purpose on the logs?

  6. Ok but honestly its not hard. Once you have the software its simply a case of pressing a key to start recording. Use windows movie maker to export, then upload. You don't even have to edit much if you dont want to. You should look into it man.

    Ill look into it, I just get the impression that it takes a lot of time and effort, and that is time and effort id rather just spend playing the game.

    Ill take a look into the whole windows movie maker, and as far as my hardware goes i know im more than set. I just may need to buy a capture card right?

  7. Just because there is a 30 seconds timer, doesn't mean you can't gtfo out of a dangerous situation. I was scoping after a well armed dude and missed him twice, the "In battle countdown" only starts when YOU yourself fire a shot, when you're shot at, it doesn't start and you can just pussy out, like he then did.

    Not true. Quite the contrary actually. it is when anyone shoots near you. if someone shoots at you from 100 yards or less you will get the timer whether or not they hit you. Now if you get shot at from a ways away then yes the timer will not come up.

  8. Growls, screams, and the sound of a mob all behind me as I am running through town. No one anywhere close except for the undead hot on my tail. As I lose some around the wall, I gain others close by. Armed with only my M9 and 7 rounds, I make a split second decision to take refuge inside of a coffee shop. Running up the stairs, I hear over a dozen coming in after me. Knowing i wouldnt be able to take them all on, I quickly log out and join back in. As I am re-entering into this virtual hell I realise the coffee shop is completely empty. Logging out had made them disappear, leaving me alone and able to continue on my journey.

    What is your take on "Zombie Logging" and does it rank up there with Combat Logging? Im interested in peoples opinion on this certain 'strategy' so to speak on losing the undead.

  9. 1. Waste of ammo. Their loot wasn't worlth you bullet you fired.

    2. Noise, You just let anyone who may happen to be nearby know you're general location.

    3. You have no clue who he was, A group of 4 bandits did this to me and at the time I was the leader of the 4ever clan. We eventally found them again, followed them to their camp and destoryed them. Went as far as running over their tents and hid their bodys. *4ever is dead btw*

    4. HUMANITY, Quick tip. Bandit skin is sometimes unavoidable but avoid it if you can. Makes you a free kill to hero's/survivors.

    Ill just post a little rebuttle to your argument here for shits and giggles.

    1. I had 6 stanag mags and they havent fixed the glitch to where you can just log out to replenish ammo. - thus neverending ammo.so how is he not worth it? he was good target practice running back and forth.

    2. What if i WANTED people to know that we are here and armed? I did this in elektro leading people in, made sure i wasnt in sniping sight of the high areas, and just racked up kills on people armed coming after me.

    3. I will agree on this, you need to sometimes let the little fish live to lead you to the big fish. I let this newspawn live on the coast while i was running around with a lee enfield. we ran together for about 20 minutes before he told me he had a group of 3 other friends who are currently at the NWAF and on Skype with him. We spent the next 30 minutes running to Stary Sobor to meet them, and as soon as i got the chance i killed them all, gaining much more than if i just killed him on the coast.

    4. Humanity is glitched as well, right now on my current character i have 35 kills, yet with a quick search on youtube you can see how with one bloodbag you can get as much humanity as you want. Im sitting on a hero skin, yet have a rediculous amount of kills on a character thats been alive for 10+ days.

    I'd love to discuss this further with anyone who can actually hold a decent talk without turning it into who has the best internet insults.
