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Everything posted by plamy89@hotmail.com

  1. plamy89@hotmail.com

    Looking for a friendly group!

    Hey guys! Im a pretty new player (on and off for about a month) but think its about time to meet some players who don't blow my face off straight away! So anyone who wants to team up with a friendly, mature, UK player, be that an individual, sqaud or clan I'm interested.
  2. plamy89@hotmail.com

    Looking for a friendly group!

    I'll be playing a bit later on if you still want to meet up heading towards... berzino... town... maybe but yeah there will be a few of us now ay
  3. plamy89@hotmail.com

    Looking for a friendly group!

    actually going to have a group of us ay! I'm around mista at the mo, how can we set up a group chat thing
  4. plamy89@hotmail.com

    Looking for a friendly group!

    more the merrier want to meet?
  5. plamy89@hotmail.com

    Looking for a friendly group!

    TS? got skype, havent used another chat thing yet but meet if you like where bouts are you ingame?
  6. plamy89@hotmail.com

    I will never be a bandit. Survivor nice-guy stories

    My first post! pretty lame story, no one I know plays so gotta tell some one and made me laugh. Been playing on and off for about a month now, still a total newbie but had manage to survive 20 days on one of my first characters without seeing any other players, just by sticking mainly to wilderness and playing the patience scouty game when visiting the cities. Had managed to pick up a M1014 and all wilderness survival stuff (water btl, map, binoculars, alice pack etc) and was feeling pretty good with myself. Was playing a couple days ago and no one was on the server so figured it was time to live on the dangerous side and try to get some more military grade gear by heading up to the NW airstrip (see where this is going). After scouting round with binoculars for quite a while thought bugger it if i get shot and headed through, to my surprise didnt get sniped straight away. Had an awesome time repeatedly looting the fire station, hangers and ATC tower, spraying off akm, M4A1 and mp5 off into zombies for a good 20 min (such a noob). Went for one last check of ATC as I had let loose the last of my rounds on the MP5 and only had a pistol remaining, Hadnt thought of bandits for a while so ran full on doe eyed straight upstairs into the the glass room, think I had about two seconds of looking round before full automatic fire came showering through the windows. Tell you I've never come so close to crapping my self. like I say I had never seen another player before and had pretty much forgotten it was a multiplayer game, glass shattering and the cracking of incoming rounds made me jump so much. Somehow I had survived what must have been his entire first inaccurate mag as I dived for the stair well. Badaged myself up and quickly came to the realisation of how screwed I was, thinking I heard footsteps in the corridor below I chucked down some fag grenades I had gathered but to no avail. I sat for about 5 min waiting for this guy to come and finish me off, and as the server had nameplates he was calling "wenety... weeeenety...". After a while I noted out of one of the windows I could see the fire station tower, I had been watching enough youtube video's to know its a popular bandit viewpoint, and low and behold i could see the guy still scouring the area for me.... my one chance! Taking careful aim for my last stand I fired! Think I got off a second round before I got a faceful of lead. My first expecience with any player, but didnt put me off the game at all, knew it was a risky newbie thing to do going anywhere near the airfield, and it was the most fun I've ever had dying in a video game! Haven't met a friendly surviver yet but I will help people if I'm ever in the position to do so, especially when it comes to bandits, just need to practice my aim...