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nothx (DayZ)

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Everything posted by nothx (DayZ)

  1. Going solo has gotten old, nothing left to do really after you get all the survival stuff unless you want to get shot up at the airfields. Grouping up and trying to build something lasting sounds more worthwhile. Build a heli or ten, establish a trading zone, any kind of objective above just collecting beans and surviving. Get ahold of me here or on steam if your group is looking for more people to do interesting shit, hah. I'm 25, so no kids please. Steam name: friesfirst Eastern or central time zone
  2. nothx (DayZ)

    looking for group with ambition

    i cant believe its not butter!
  3. nothx (DayZ)

    looking for group with ambition

    is bumping legal!?
  4. nothx (DayZ)

    looking for group with ambition

  5. nothx (DayZ)

    [Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

    profile name: friesfirst haha i swear i knew the difference.
  6. nothx (DayZ)

    [Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

    no idea:angel:
  7. nothx (DayZ)

    looking for group with ambition

    im east/central! just gonna go ahead and bump this.
  8. nothx (DayZ)

    [Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

    Profile Name: nothx Player ID (Not SteamID): nothx Why do you wish to join the Militia: Going solo has gotten old, nothing left to do really after you get all the survival stuff unless you want to get shot up at the airfields. Grouping up and trying to build something lasting sounds more worthwhile. What can you offer the Militia: Teamwork and maturity Are you a team player: I've been competing in team-based games for a decade or more. Are you willing to lose your gear if required: Uh sure, lost it countless times already. Have you been with any other groups, and if so state which: Nope Steam name: friesfirst
  9. nothx (DayZ)

    Bandit remorse

    Think I'm done with banditry. Was playing early this morning around stary. Took position up on the hill after filling up my water bottles, looked down and saw sprinting zeds moving into the store. I spend a few mintues watching and finally catch the survivor moving out, popping a few straggling zeds and moving up the hill towards the camp. He doesn't see me, so I could back off at any time. I'm set for food, water, ammo, trinkets, health, warmth, so I'm not in need of anything. Instead I waited until he moved a little more towards the camp, and dropped him with my rifle. I wasn't in any danger. The worst part is that I didn't end up taking any of his gear, not even the m4a1. I still feel a little guilty about it...the guy was minding his own business, maybe he would have popped me, maybe not, but I could have stayed out of view and he never would have known I was there. Just lame as hell. I see plenty of posts saying 'thats it, I'm shooting everyone', but I'm going in the other direction. The other night I saw a fellow standing at the door of a barn, and again I had position on a wooded hilltop looking down. This time I'm not set on shooting..until I see another emerge, and then another. They start moving up the hill and I decide I can't let them come this way. One survivor might not blast you, but a group working together is far less likely to take any chances where an outsider is concerned. I end up dropping two of them as they climbed, the third ran into the barn and disconnected. They had some good stuff. My only thought was 'I just trashed all of their progress'. I'm sure they would have done the same to me, but it still feels dirty, hah. Anyone else feel shitty about a kill or two?
  10. nothx (DayZ)

    Forming a small group

    I'm interested, I actually play warband and am waiting my ass off for both gw2 and ps2 both, hah. Would be cool to roll with a group, running solo is getting a little stale.