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Everything posted by AH-Sean

  1. Just for private servers. This would make the game unbearably scary. He could also walk past windows of buildings you are in. Black forest anyone? >:)
  2. AH-Sean

    Devil Dog's Free Gear Giveaway!

    I can use as many Fal and stanag SD mags as I can get! :) are you talking about 2534 or 2462?
  3. AH-Sean

    Thomas the tractor, Taken - I will kill you.

    haha i saw that episode yesterday, funny as hell :)
  4. Just started playing linogr island, immidiately when i spawned i see a crash site on an island not far from shore, i swim to it and i find a DMR, fn fal, and fn fal night vision :D...... now to get off the island with one weapon since i have coyote pack.....plus swimming.....
  5. AH-Sean

    Oh the chances....

    oh noez, for some reason my character doesnt save from server to server and i had to start again, but its ok since i found a pbx on spawn and a barracks + crashed heli at FOB Eddie ! :D
  6. AH-Sean

    Oh the chances....

    Just found out we dont loose items when we swim anymore :P
  7. They only spawn at crash sites but who wants a bison anyway? >: )
  8. AH-Sean

    Coke, Pepsi & Heinz

    It is free advertising, I crave a coke every time I play, and I go buy one :)
  9. AH-Sean

    Fishing,swimming, Fishing rod, and Raw Fish!

    Most of the ways of getting food inland and coastal are pretty balanced, good idea!
  10. AH-Sean

    Petition to remove Krutory Cap spawn

    Fall off, break legs and don't die, go unconscious for a long time..... Annoying either way, running to a city or 2 very spaced jumps off a lighthouse.
  11. I think he means to make the game like an rpg without the interactive npcs...?
  12. AH-Sean

    Hiding Cars / New Item to create

    Good idea, you could also have a net up over your camp so heli's can't spot it from the air
  13. Keep up mind what i said. This is not forced at all. The small slender map and assured death isn't my idea. The open world and forests do not confine you to planned dearh.
  14. AH-Sean

    Mod to standalone over switch

    I pick the SA. The gameplay outweighs the bugs in my opinion at this point. However if the players remain the same as always (shooting unarmed players on the coast or new spawned in cities, pvp is totally ok, just not killing people that have zero chance of defending themselves) will lead to many people quiting the game altogether. Having the whole gameplay experienced ruined before they even leave the coast. This means that a player with an enfield or makarov shooting another with same gun is fine. But a guy with ghillie suit and as50 killing a noob from 500 meters is just plain senseless.
  15. AH-Sean

    Should Green Mountain be Haunted?

    It's haunted enough. The first time I went there i was killed by a man and woman with hatchets.
  16. AH-Sean

    Cookies Gun Store ( No we don't sell cookies! )

    Sounds good to me. I am currently in berezino. You can pm me so we can arrange a meeting time.
  17. AH-Sean

    Cookies Gun Store ( No we don't sell cookies! )

    Im looking for 3 m9sd mags and 5 fal mags. I know for sure i have a ghillie suit to trade and a lot of stanag SD mags
  18. AH-Sean

    water from the sea

    Collecting water from ponds for instant hydration. Collect water on the coast and make a fire to boil it which might expose you, you also need matches to begin with. Sounds like its pretty fair to add this, seeing as they both have pros and cons. ie, (nearest pond is 2km away or its the middle of the night on a populated server, so lighting a fire deosnt seem like the best idea)
  19. Killing players up in the north who are geared makes sense, who might be looking for tents, but hunting down new spawns who probably will die and switch servers is just plain stupid, that is exactly the biggest reason why anyone dislikes this game, just adding fuel to the fire for no reason.
  20. AH-Sean

    Play Dead?

    Yes, the zombies attracting to the body, and no flies would balance it perfectly in my opinion.
  21. So many new maps, i cant comprehend them all!
  22. Im glad that i actually got SOME discussion on my specific topic other than just jokes, if i dont see it on the first or second page, i wish that someone who hasnt read this certain topic would read it and discuss, and the people who had would ignore it.
  23. I got the idea from a zombie really far away with a black suit and the head looked completely white until zoomed in (gave me a good scare), i didnt know this was such a popular topic (or not) but thats what the search feature is for :3 Of course you can toggle this on or off at anytime, it would sure give you and your friends a good scare or scream :) Im pretty much obsessed with slenderman so i couldnt resist >: )
  24. AH-Sean

    Bandits should have more consequences

    I have m4a1 SD and an fnfal but ive never killed another player. Ever. If it came down to it I would probably just let myself get killed. It's been alive for so long its almost getting boring .
  25. AH-Sean

    Spawn in groups.

    Many friends of mine don't play this game because of lack of team play. Being murdered or have to go somewhere by the time we meet up. instead of drawing attention by running along the coast, we should be able to start playing together immediately. It is a choice to spawn together or not, if it isnt forced on the players then it shouldn't be an issue at all.