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Posts posted by =TempesT=

  1. Hey, I'm looking for a serious squad to join.

    I'm an experienced player and I know both the chernarus map and lingor map well.

    I have skype and also Teamspeak

    I live in Australia

    Im 16

    I'm free to play from 5pm onwards to 11pm on most days of the week

    Im quite geared on the public hive with an as50, ghillie and a m249 saw

    I've been alive for a good 20 days

    At the moment im mostly playing on namalsk servers

  2. Age:15, quite mature

    How often are you on DayZ: 6 days a week

    Do you have a mic: Yes,trittion ax720's

    Play times:about 4 hours a day

    Current Loadout: As50, ghillie, m249saw -all the equipment eg rangefinder gps etc

    Ideal loadout: m4a1 cco sd-g17- M24

    Last time you died: 2 weeks +

    How long have you been playing DayZ: about a month and a half

    Do you have much experience with groups in ArmA/DayZ: I usually play with 2 other players, they arn't serious about playing as a team and thats why im trying to join a clan

    Skype: Tempest.121

  3. Hey, I'm looking for a Serious clan to join.

    I have skype and also Teamspeak

    I live in Australia

    Im 15 and Yes, I am mature

    I don't mind taking any role sniping, scouting or covering, i can handle it

    I'm free to play from 5pm onwards to 11pm on most days of the week

    I'm quite geared on the public hive with an as50, ghillie and a m249 saw

    I prefer playing on large private hives with passwords to avoid hackers and hacked gear

    Skype: Tempest.121

    • Like 1

  4. Hey, I'm looking for a Serious clan to join.

    I have skype and also Teamspeak

    I live in Australia

    Im 15 and Yes, I am mature

    I don't mind taking any role sniping, scouting or covering, i can handle it

    I'm free to play from 5pm onwards to 11pm on most days of the week

    I've quite geared on the public hive with an as50, ghillie and a m249 saw

    I prefer playing on large private hives with passwords to avoid hackers and hacked gear

    Skype: Temepst.121

  5. Hey, I'm looking for a Serious clan to join.

    I'm an experienced player and I know both the chernarus map and lingor map well.

    I have skype and also Teamspeak

    I live in Australia

    Im 15 and Yes, I am mature ;)

    I don't mind taking any role sniping, scouting or covering, i can handle it

    I'm free to play from 5pm onwards to 11pm on most days of the week

    I've quite geared on the public hive with an as50, ghillie and a m249 saw

    I find all the maps enjoyable

    I prefer playing on large private hives with passwords to avoid hackers and hacked gear
