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DNightmare (DayZ)

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About DNightmare (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. DNightmare (DayZ)

    Sahrani - First Impression / Look

    Good thing is: ShermanFTW has the complete source of the Map, so he is not only porting DayZ for it but also changing buildings / structures, replacing non-enterable with ones you can actually enter, place new forests & doodads on the map, etc... just give him hints & tipps in his Thread here or at opendayz :)
  2. DNightmare (DayZ)

    Sahrani - First Impression / Look

    So we played a bit Sahrani 0.1 lately and give you some first look / impression about the upcoming map. Still not fluid enough with my spoken english, so bear with me :) Yes I know "Apart from that" was one of my favorite sentences in there, but after 30 or so takes I said to myself: The audio is good as it is now, keep it. Enjoy the video (Constructive feedback is always nice!)
  3. DNightmare (DayZ)

    DayZ Isla Duala - First Impressions

    Happy new Year to all of you :) We (CTC) decided to do our main videos from now on in both german and english. So I can happily announce to you: Our preview/impression video about the latest custom-map for DayZ. Isla Duala! Feedback is very welcome as it's one of our first 'real' english videos out there. kind regards, ctc.Sebi aka DNightmare
  4. DNightmare (DayZ)

    [DE] DayZ - Panthera Island | german review / first look video

    'Celle 2' is getting ported at the moment :) which features some unique, central-european-style buildings (and the german 'Autobahn' xD)
  5. -English- Sorry guys & girls, this video is dedicated to all the german surivors out there. There are already some first impression videos in english so we thought a german one would be quite nice to :) If you just want to look at the visuals while listening to some strange alien-like language, feel free to do so or simply mute it and use some nice tunes instead :) A offline-map for you to download: http://www.ctc-gamin...nthera-Full.jpg -German- Panthera Island ist nun auch fuer DayZ verfuegbar und wir dachten uns ein kleines Review / Video mit den ersten Eindruecken ist sicher nicht verkehrt. Ausserdem gibt es auch noch eine Offline-Map zum ausdrucken / runterladen von uns fuer euch: http://www.ctc-gamin...nthera-Full.jpg