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Everything posted by Seangeezy3

  1. Seangeezy3

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    OGSweg helped me out today, i had two buddies with broken legs he trekked from cherno to rog and helped us out, awesome help, thanks alot and i would highly recommend him for a trusted medic.
  2. I really do miss sidechat and would love to be playing on an active server that still has sidechat, and also has active admins, if anyone knows of some please let me know, thanks!
  3. Seangeezy3

    A hacker has made the funniest video of DayZ

    OMFG awesome video i watched it like 5 times just lmfao! Thank you sir!
  4. Dan do you KOS? or just hunt down clan members?
  5. Seangeezy3

    Any servers still have Sidechat

    Whats this so called HIVE i keep hearing?
  6. Seangeezy3

    Any servers still have Sidechat

    Ah man why you gotta go and ruin the fun part? I cant even enjoy this game without sidechat.
  7. Seangeezy3

    Any servers still have Sidechat

    Well i really wouldnt mind playing on a trading post server, or even an reddit server.
  8. What i was thinking before is having an NPC (maybe army/government) or something of the sorts randomly spawning and taking control of different parts of the map and when this happens a broadcast goes out to everyone on the server to go and try to take control or get as much loot from the area as they can, once cleared or whatever have the event start in other parts of the map every couple hours. PS, this could also work with other events? Saying a NPC survivor needs an escort and if you succeed with helping him you get some loot for it, the possibilites are limitless. What do you think?
  9. Seangeezy3

    New Radio Station only for survivors!

    Awesome love the idea, news updates and such would make it even better! Maybe through in some evacuation sorta news? Would be badass!
  10. Please help! i dunno where to download the 1.7.2 patch and the beta patch? I tried and cant find the links :/
  11. Seangeezy3

    IM an idiot where do i DL patch?

    Thanks i do it manually.
  12. Seangeezy3

    The Stranger...

    It was the Gman....
  13. Seangeezy3

    Devils castle NY25.

    Eldeos, are you really that big of a pussy to do that? Pretty funny imo.
  14. Seangeezy3

    West Coast Group

    From Utah here, interested in playing as a survivor, add me on steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/seangeezy3 Ps i play the game through a non steam copy.