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About Deadpoolio

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
  • Location
    North Carolina
  • Interests
    Comic Books, Video Games, Conspiracy Theories, Music, Computers.

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  • Bio
    From a small town, military trained, pretty much nocturnal, love comic books. If you want to know anything else just ask
  1. Deadpoolio

    Can my computer run Dayz?

    someone said the stand alone version of the game isn't too far away but I've not heard anything about a release date or even a jump from alpha testing to beta testing yet which usually means there is 3+ months left before the retail version of the game is ready :/
  2. Title says it all, I want to know if I can run Dayz before I buy the arma combined ops deal. My specs are: HD 5650 video card Phenom II triple core processor 2.1GHz 4GB of RAM Thanks in advance for helpfull replies :D