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About VKleita

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Down South
  1. VKleita

    UK 25 UX boys.

    Deleted as the moronic are not clever enough to understand.
  2. VKleita

    [MOON] Clan = Noobs

    Nice work dude, nice to see a well written way to deal with server hoppers. You can have my beans :)
  3. VKleita

    Hacking is getting out of control

    Agreed, on a server today,on someone elses server to demo how the game works to a friend, 20 mins in, everyone in server all dies at the same time, bye bye 19 days of play time. I just can't be bothered to do it again when i know for a fact all these scripts are just out there for anyone who wants them. Alpha? yes it might be, but hackers paradise? well count me out then. one less thing to put on my christmas list to buy anyway.
  4. No Its temp. It flashes when you are low. with a high risk of catching a cold. I have been still in the rain not running for 5 mins and seen it start flashing so it's deff not a lung. I am now confused, it was 36 hours from the post for heli, yet its past with no offical comment? or did I miss something in the mass of pages gone past?
  5. How the hell would you know when a camp was raided? Your on the other side of the map driving a truck susposely when you got kicked, but your aware when a camp is raided? Far as I can see, it seems to be a auto battle eye kick, you are not banned from that server, sometimes Battle eye does go wrong, specially with all the rapid updates to try to get rid of cheats lately. you should of logged straight back on and carried along on your merry way. You really gonna post everytime something strange happens? Its an Alpha, just log back in and carry on. Still find it really strange you know about a camp raid when the people who attacked us, you were not among them (Unless you alt F4'ed while under fire)
  6. Well first off, nice way to meet and greet. HI I'm UX*VK nice to see you. Hi glad to see the server we pay for you are enjoying and pointing the finger, quality. 2nd If the truck that was stolen, if the people who stolen it had another vehicle then it deff isn't us as every vehicle we have had has been stolen within an hour later of it been parked (Including the white and blue truck above which was parked in an open area near no tents ) 3rd I don't think i have even ever seen you as I dont remember the name, everyone who I shoot, I write down the names as I like to know who fired first etc, your name isn't on it. Well anyway, hopefully that sorts that out, hopefully see you under better conditions on our server :) Don't be a stranger now!
  7. VKleita

    HOTFIX Rollng Update

    Awesome, finally got some decent gear. died but I know where my body is, get there and get shot again, turns out apprantly I have the bandit skin, it wasnt until then i realised that the debug says I killed 120 zombies (which I haven't) and murddered 6 people ... Due to this I am now nailed by anyone on sight .. excellent... let me know when this bug is fixed as I spend my entire time helping others, just utterly infruating to be branded a bandit without any cause.