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About FLiPStah

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  1. FLiPStah

    Ghetto Arena Fights!

    wheres your server acebane? :[
  2. stuck at loading with loading bar for a long period of time. I can hear sound, but I won't load. Anybody else getting this? Anyone know a fix for this? thanks
  3. YES Delivers exciting gameplay. Sense of fear, fast reaction thinking, are critical to survival. Its an aspect that most games don't have. (:
  4. FLiPStah

    [VIDEO] This is why people shoot first

    Trust no one. But, what sucks is the lack of impatience of people to actually team up. That is one aspect that people lack; patience. Then comes in frustration of dying. etc etc. That is why most people people play with others who they can trust. bleh my two cents.
  5. upgrade the cpu, motherboard, videocard, graphics card, ram.. With just a single upgrade or two, isn't going to cut it with this game.
  6. FLiPStah

    Looking for an RP group

    I'll be happy to join you itsneosbie. I need some people to play with as well :]
  7. FLiPStah

    Looking for ppl to play with

    I'm in to play with you guys as well. (:
  8. Looking to play with you guys. Just added the group on steam. My name is FLiP in the group. I don't play off steam so just pm on steam when you guys wanna play!
  9. FLiPStah

    West Coast Group

    I'm west coast. I don't play through steam, but would like to play with you guys. added a couple of you. Add my steam: flipxguy99 http://steamcommunity.com/id/disxflipxguy
  10. FLiPStah

    Forming a small group

    I''d like to play with you guys too.