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Very Ape

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Everything posted by Very Ape

  1. Very Ape

    Sweet Justice! (Hardcore video)

    Great video! This is why I play this game.
  2. Very Ape

    Remove LRS from Mosin?

    That's not a free pass. DayZ prides itself in working to become an authentic survival experience.
  3. Very Ape

    Message to UN Clan

    I was at the North-west Airfield, when shouting from the fire station caught my attention. I ran inside and found a guy in handcuffs on his knees. His clothes were bloodied and tattered, and some of his gear was scattered around him. He was only a boy, couldn't have been older than sixteen. I asked him what happened. He was looting the fire station tower when he spotted an armed man running outside. He fired once, but quickly ceased his misguided assault. Two other men ran out behind the first, all of which were wearing blue UN helmets. They surrounded the boy, and he ultimately surrendered to them. The boy explained that he'd been startled and regretted firing, but the UN soldiers would have none of it. They handcuffed him and beat him unconscious a few times. And then they just left him there. I'm going to hunt down and kill any UN clansman I find. That's a promise. Bandits are one thing, but there's something that irks me about this. The punishment perpetrated by these men, who are supposed to be friendly, was grossly unfair. It was a death sentence. disclaimer: This is all in good fun.
  4. Very Ape

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    You missed the part where you're the one testing it. That was made very clear. Don't attack their work ethic because you can't read.
  5. Very Ape

    Stable - 0.46 Discussion

    You have serious impulse control problems.
  6. Very Ape

    Stable - 0.46 Discussion

    I'd like a visual representation of all the players who've spurned the alpha and returned to play the game, versus people who've spurned the alpha and never played the game. A pie chart would be cool.
  7. Very Ape

    Message to UN Clan

    Well, then. Sounds like we ought to be forming a posse. Anyone in?
  8. Very Ape


    That last guy really took his time shooting you.
  9. Very Ape

    Why DayZ standalone is becoming shit (new youtube video)

    Everyone knows the weapons aren't what they will be, and everyone knows that gun is the most unreliable one you can find. I didn't expect anything else but your demise, honestly. You missing the first shot didn't help.
  10. Very Ape

    The Townhall

    Great video as always, well done at the red house! I like how you handle the people you run into.
  11. Very Ape

    Gender Discrimination and Prejudice

    No, sexism in video-games is an issue. In regards to the games themselves and how many gamers treat other, female gamers. In DayZ, I've yet to team up with a female survivor without her being subject to threats of sexual violence. Yes. That bad. I'm not talking about the ''harmless'' rape jokes that are thrown around whenever someone gets handcuffed. I'm talking about people becoming quite nastier than they'd intended when they hear a feminine voice via VOIP. I can imagine it really sucking when you know you're being harassed because of your gender. There's a difference between bandits acting for dramatic effect and the kind of stuff some girls put up with in this game. Just one person being a nasty son of a bitch to another. It's not all in good fun, for them. And Jesus, did anyone read her post? She's not upset over being killed, she's upset by the hostile reactions garnered solely by people finding out she is a woman. The attitude that plagues the gaming world, wherein women are just using their femininity to obtain gifts or they're men in disguise, not to be trusted. It does happen and it is disgusting. ''Go make me a sandwich, bitch.'' Just play-acting, eh?
  12. Very Ape

    My First Hardcore Kill!

    When that guy just kept on crawling towards you two I lost it. :P
  13. Very Ape

    Dmitri - Would you stop to get to know him?

    Yesterday I similarly met a guy from Ukraine. It's amazing how some people will keep me on my guard, while someone who doesn't even speak my language can have me trusting him completely within a half hour. That we can work together and develop such trust in such a scenario as DayZ is very heartwarming. Great video!
  14. Very Ape

    Golden Castle

    You light a fire in there or something?
  15. Very Ape

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Every system is different. It works fine on mine. Stable is stable for an alpha. The point is for us to endure bugs, regardless of the build, in order for them to fix them.
  16. Very Ape

    DayZ - Where enemies become friends

    What he did was fine. People know what it looks like, to be sitting up there with a sniper rifle. There were two of them.
  17. Very Ape

    That's what heroes do

    These are quite good! Keep it up! :P Glad you're remaining positive despite the bugs!
  18. Very Ape

    Impression of Standalone (from a DayZ Mod Veteran)

    I was going to reply to OP, but quickly realized there's so much misinformation to be undone that I couldn't possibly satisfy the little voice in my head telling me to reply.
  19. I believe if you have ammo or magazines in a readily accessible place (ie, in the front pocket of an assault vest), you should be able to press R. Players who carefully plan out how their gear is organized should be rewarded. Players with ammo in their backpacks should have to open their backpacks to retrieve it.
  20. Very Ape

    Okay, I'm done..

    Well that's embarrassing, looks like I'm the only one who has done this, then. I just had no ammo in the gun!
  21. Very Ape

    Okay, I'm done..

    I can relate to that ending. The same thing happened to me yesterday. It's such a silly mistake to make, isn't it? It's easy to forget the little things when everything is falling into place for you like that. :P
  22. Very Ape

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    A feature that's delayed isn't shoved, a feature that isn't ready but released anyways is.
  23. Very Ape

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    If you read the many warnings you'd understand you are more like a supporter. You payed to play the Alpha, in hopes of it going somewhere. They aren't letting down anyone; they're following through with what they promised, in a reasonable amount of time. What they are doing is making people impatient. There's a difference.
  24. Very Ape

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    Negative feedback, as in, hey, this feature is broken? Or negative feedback, as in, complaining that it's taking too long? The former can be considered constructive feedback. The latter is whining.
  25. Very Ape

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Hi there! Would you agree that there is a difference in effort between: 1) Painting a wall. (In this case, throwing lots of paint in the general direction of a wall) 2) Building a house. ?