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Posts posted by xtrememarksman5

  1. Starting new dayz group I have a few guys that will play. looking for players that are 14+ in the USA. looking for serious players. Doesnt matter if your a noob or an experienced player just looking for players that want to have a nice time skype me if ur intrested my skype is xtrememarksman5

  2. First name: Alex Ingame Name: XtremeMarksman5 Age: 15 Country: Usa Mostly on at 4:30 to 9:30 pm pacific time during weekdays during the weekends i can be on all day. im searching for a group because im looking for serious players that are looking to have fun in dayz i have been in a group before but all of them stopped playing.i also love taking risks in dayz im that type of guy that could care less if they die, just love the thrill of rushing people and killing them. skype xtrememarksman5
