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Everything posted by striker3800@gmail.com

  1. I'm sorry, but I find it slightly...ironic that you said he was being an ass to you...look at your profile pic. :) Not being critical, just think it's funny.
  2. striker3800@gmail.com

    DayZ Breaking Point Mod : Now with new Lingor Map Integration!

    Can people still log out/back in and dupe? Please tell me that's fixed.
  3. striker3800@gmail.com

    DayZ Breaking Point Mod : Now with new Lingor Map Integration!

    You guys. Are amazing.
  4. striker3800@gmail.com

    Hardcore server needed!

    Hey guys! I'm looking for a hardcore private hive! It must meet the following criteria: - US/EU - 3rd person off - Hardcore difficulty - Little to no hackers
  5. Hey everyone! I was thinking about starting a private hive, and I was wondering if I could get any pointers. I'd like to know: - How much would a good server cost? (1 - ~40 slots) - Who is the best host for the server? - Is there a good program for fucking around with the DayZ map? (Adding buildings, zed spawns, lootspawns, etc...) - What's the customization level? (Can I change the loot that spawns, where it spawns, how often it spawns, how often Z's spawns, etc...) - Can I add/change spawn locations? - How easy is it to add/change mods?
  6. striker3800@gmail.com

    Hey guys! Looking to start a private hive! (Need pointers)

    Yeah, sure, I'll pm you when I'm gonna finally do it. I'm just thinking at this point.
  7. Hey guys! I was just thinkin', "There are some things I'd really like to see put in DayZ!" So...why not start a topic on what you guys would like too? Post below with details, none of that, "A super awesome, .50 cal, that fires 900 rounds per minute, with 900 round mags. Please, be realistic. This is a survival game. Personally, I'd like the following things to be put in (Subject to change) 1. A military uniform. I'd personally love it if they put an ACU-type uniform in the game. Something like (Shown in the video).2. ONLY if the uniform is added, a helmet, with the same pattern. It would go over a bandit/survivor/hero's head, but not delete the shemagh for the bandit, but would remove the survivor's cap. There would be a few helpful additions that come with this helmet, such as...I don't know...9mm protection. I think that this would not only look awesome, but provide it with more of a realistic, find/loot/use aspect to the game. The first two items would only be found in military areas (Stary tents, barracks, etc...) NOT IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS LIKE APARTMENTS! Post your items below!
  8. striker3800@gmail.com

    What would you like to see put into the game?

    Better, but I meant something like; an ACR, that has a woodland camo pattern, stuff like that.
  9. striker3800@gmail.com

    What would you like to see put into the game?

    Can we get some more detail? What would they look like, etc...come on.
  10. Okay, I do agree that freshspawns shouldn't be killed the first few times they spawn. However, sniping is a lot safer. If you saw someone with an M249, and an entrenching tool, would you rather go up against him toe-to-toe with your M4? Or would you like to blow his head off from 1600 yards away.
  11. striker3800@gmail.com


    Hi guys, every time I press the "Install" button on the Arma 2 section of the "Install/Update" tab, it does it, then just before it completes, it says, "Wrong CD-Key". Please help me. I ran it on my other computer, and it's the same as this one (Spec-wise).
  12. striker3800@gmail.com

    What's wrong with "bandits" in this game?

    I'm sorry, is this NOT a survival game? Hmmmmm. Consider this; you're thirsty, hungry, and you have no food. All you have is a sniper rifle. You see a small person running across an open area. What the fuck would you do?
  13. My god. I FIND IT SO FUCKING ANNOYING WHEN PEOPLE CALL SNIPERS COWARDS. Snipers and other warriors alike understand that war is not fair. They realize that having the upper hand is all that's important. Being smarter and being a more intelligent fighter does not make them cowards.
  14. striker3800@gmail.com

    [Pain] Recruiting Active/Mature Players

    First Name: Nick In-game name: Striker38 (Buying arma in <24 hrs, gonna need some help in game) Age: 15 Country: U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! ... What time you are mostly on: ~ 4pm - ~ 9pm Pacific/Western time (California) Why you are searching for a group/clan: I'm a team player, and function better in a group, I've found that I'm a natural leader, but I need to learn the basics of zombie survival, not to mention the game itself. Skype: Striker3883