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About striker3800@gmail.com

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. striker3800@gmail.com

    Can't join anything but Cheranus from the in-game browser.

    :| Thanks, downloaded from DayZ commander.
  2. Please, copy and paste this so that it looks nicer. Hey Guys! We have created new Hot area and More weapons, [Weapons] New weapons' loot locations are at Heli Crashes !! AK-107, AK-107PSO, M40A3, M16A4, G36K, G36C, G36C SD, G36A Camo, and more...... [Area] Added Hot area and Enhanced Towns and Cities Area Picture HERE [server Name] DayZ Chernarus Custam MAP ( Edited by Sandman) - ( [Veteran l CH:OFF] l Scv Server I Dayz.ST IP: This server is Heaven...and Hell enjoy :D
  3. Just as the title says, I can't join anything except for Cheranus, and when I join anything else, I see the lobby for a split second, and then I'm back at the browser.
  4. I am incredibly sorry, and I know some of you will hate me for this. But it's Factions, Bases, LMVs, HMVs, and LAVs. Overuse of the apostrophe. Also, this is an awesome server.
  5. THIS IS THE MOST AMAZING SERVER EVER. IT HAS AI DEFENDED AREAS (2 ATM, I'M HOPING FOR MORE). This is the most fun I have EVER HAD on DayZ. Friends and I are constantly assaulting the outposts, come on, and ask for Striker.
  6. striker3800@gmail.com

    Hey guys, starting a Medic/Noobsupport service for US 1011

    Haha, I did eventually abandon this, but I'm back!
  7. striker3800@gmail.com

    DayZ Breaking Point Mod : Now with new Lingor Map Integration!

    No idea. Just wondering where to post. Some Private hives (Born To Lose, etc...) have their own forums and stuff like that. You guys should get one.
  8. striker3800@gmail.com

    DayZ Breaking Point Mod : Now with new Lingor Map Integration!

    Can I get a link to the ban appeal forums? I know that they never get approved, but it'd be nice to just try one. Edit: I don't know if you use the ones on this forum, or the DayZ ones. By the way, the IP ban is ingenious.
  9. striker3800@gmail.com

    DayZ Breaking Point Mod : Now with new Lingor Map Integration!

    Did you mean the ban appeal forums on this site? Or is there an @Alderon site?
  10. striker3800@gmail.com

    DayZ Breaking Point Mod : Now with new Lingor Map Integration!

    What are you talking about? I'm playing on it right now...aaand why was I banned?
  11. striker3800@gmail.com

    DayZ Breaking Point Mod : Now with new Lingor Map Integration!

    Hey guys, I was wondering, is this your mod? And if it is, may I use it on my server?
  12. striker3800@gmail.com

    Hey guys, starting a Medic/Noobsupport service for US 1011

    I used to be in PAIN...it was fun.
  13. striker3800@gmail.com

    Hey guys, starting a Medic/Noobsupport service for US 1011

    I know, but I was inspired by Captainwalkabout. I'm gonna try it.
  14. HEY GUYS! I'M STARTING A MEDIC SERVICE! Look for "Striker, or Striker3838" in the chat/play list! Looking to recruit protection and more medics to help me. Currently Ihave a URAL and a Civvie Offroad. To sign up as a recruit, click here! Or, if you're registered on the warmachinegaming.com site, click here!