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Winston The Ripper

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Everything posted by Winston The Ripper

  1. Winston The Ripper

    Admin cheating on US 1108 (Zombie Apocalypse Gaming)

    The guy owns the server, and wants to police it because of all awful the anti-cheat is (fact), and you think he's a cheater for doing this? Once you realize how hard it is to run a server (you won't because you are the all-inclusive leech) you'll understand why this tool is necessary. From your asinine attitude, I would go so far as to accuse you of being a cheater who is scared of this tool and it's potential uses.
  2. Been having some problems with our server the past couple of days, we have a hacker joining with no IP and no GUID, who doesn't show up in any of the log files, this same hacker hit Hicks_206, a streamer on twitch TV while he was testing his server, after we took ours down. http://www.twitch.tv...206/b/336448399 skip to 1:49:56, goes on for a while. The hacker's hallmarks are massive purple text that covers your screen, making everyone dance on your server, and nukes. http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/1137416971581079242/D4C95FD757156C788413625711257F85DE85638C/ I've tried CDETECT, Whitelisting, anti-hax, fully updated Battleye. He stills gets in and leaves no signature trail. I've found several links to a cheat forum that allows you to gain access to a server without showing any evidence on Battleye. In interim I have the server passworded, with access limited to people who join Teamspeak.
  3. Winston The Ripper

    Bad Advice.

    Too fucking true. Anyone who is in a large group and denies it is not only a liar, but an awful liar.
  4. Winston The Ripper

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    Stopped reading after the first sentence. Codi, Yoyi, and BTT were killed on the island. Of course I'm sure you mysteriously started FRAPs after I killed Codi twice, LOL. You can't wish the truth away, no matter how hard you try, you just come out sounding like a buffoon. Enjoy finding another Lingor server to play on, class dismissed.
  5. Winston The Ripper

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    I did bring myself back to life, only after Codi was killed twice in the same area with the same gear in less than 3 minutes. With the influx of script kiddies in Lingor, we've begun reviving people and rolling back databases during hacker attacks. I've dealt with plenty of hackers over the years, the first thing they do is divert attention. Notice how neither chisel nor Wesley attempts to discount the proof I posted, on the contrary, they simply act like it doesn't even exist. I'll make you fellows a deal, as soon as you explain how your pal Codi respawned himself with the exact same equipment right beside me, I'll unban him. Deal? Nope, you'll keep pretending like I didn't post it, lol. Let's make this clear: People with Adminstrative Database access can revive themselves and others. Codi is not an adminstrator. Codi is a script kiddy. Multiple users reported Codi and your friends teleporting in and out of engagements. You and your friends attempted to cover up the fact that he was a script kiddie, so you were all banned. We do not tolerate any form of cheating/hacking/script killing. You attempted to cheat and got caught. Live with it. Trying to whitewash it away by gathering support by getting your friends to post on the forums in your defense won't help shit, and we'll keep banning your kind off the server. The bans stick. I recommend you find a server where the admins don't give a shit about hacking, we do. Next time you want to post some video evidence, upload the entire encounter, don't start it immediately after your script kiddie friend gets blasted twice. Fail!
  6. Winston The Ripper

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    I'd worry a bit less about how we conduct our affairs on Frizag and a bit more about who you associate yourself with. Codi (your friend) was banned for teleporting and gear hacking. You were kicked because you continually spammed chat after being warned twice. We do not currently have an appeal system for bans, we are looking into getting a website running, in which case bans will be able to be appealed. In this case, however, it wouldn't have mattered since I've got hard proof. Killed by me at 12:28AM, back alive, 50m away at 12:32AM with exact same gear. Killed again by me, shortly after. When asked how it was possible, he exited server. Your clan is not only associating itself with a cheater, but it also seems as though he wasn't even being honest with you about it. You are more than welcome to play on our server, any of your cheating friend(s) however, are not. We have had no problem with [MIG], despite being killed by them several times. For the most part, you guys play fair and we respect that. We enjoy providing the server. We enjoy playing with regulars and new people on the server. We do not enjoy script kiddies who attempt to make us out as the bad guys.
  7. US 239 was locked for a period of about 4 hours last night. We have been having some major hacking attacks and it's impossible to find out who is doing it. We believe it's the same person (it could even be you, since it's odd you have such a fixation with our server) because it's always the same M.O.; the server gets a sizable population, and in a few minutes wham, every single person on the server is teleported and killed instantly. In interim, we were attempting to find a script that will detect who is doing it. There's no point in us locking the server for loot, all of us have died several times over, we don't even use vehicles any more because they are unpredictable. If this is still a problem in the future we'll have to take the server down. In all honesty, it probably didn't matter that we locked the server, population topped at around 10 because the hacker continuously cleans us out. We were also trying to find a way to get rid of the 15+ duped tents we found with dozens and dozens of NVGs and rangefinders. Spent about 2 hours blowing them up, running them over, deleting shit, nothing worked.
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post_hoc_ergo_propter_hoc
  9. retards on the internet are quick to blame anything and everything for giving them a virus. i've seen people blame lightning strikes before. yeah
  10. Winston The Ripper


    lmao skalka. they'll be dislodged eventually.
  11. Winston The Ripper

    Map hack (to find tent and vehicles) and God mode on

    yep, your first instinct in a firefight is to take screenshots while firing at an intruder, LOL
  12. Winston The Ripper

    Sins of a hacking gamer...

    oh wow, a ponyfag that hacks. big surprise.
  13. Winston The Ripper

    This is how you deal with Bandit Snipers.

    I would have logged as well if I was getting hit by a hacked AS50 TWS
  14. Winston The Ripper

    40% Off Arma 2 Co

    great, more cheap-o keys for hackers.
  15. Winston The Ripper

    evansaidhi Hacking in his own Videos

    Once a cheater always a cheater, fuck 'em.
  16. Winston The Ripper

    Don't Stream snipe!

    -Broadcast your position to global audience. -Complain when they use it to find you. People do help the streamers, seems like every other day hackers are spawning equipment for streamers to use (and most of the time they take it)
  17. Winston The Ripper

    Crazy Convoy of 5 Vehicles

    lol combat disconnecting lol annoying voice
  18. most of the time they die sometimes its possible to circumvent death if your latency is bad and your timing is good
  19. Winston The Ripper

    Why I'll now hack dupe and exploit

  20. Winston The Ripper

    Patience is not a virtue in DayZ

    starving to death and missed no less than 10 opportunities for a clean kill, gg
  21. Winston The Ripper

    PvP doesn't seem that bad...

    I'll give you some of my M107 ammo in Elektro. Head to the roof of the Fire Station.
  22. I'm wagering it's because they were STREAMING.
  23. Winston The Ripper

    Don't logout in vehicles

    been there, done that. admin of server accidentally entered vote menu while not logged in as admin inside bus, script auto-kicked him rejoined and was instantly killed