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Posts posted by dasdarkseed@hotmail.com

  1. To me, it feels like aiming deadzone is more useful when prone. A player becomes easier to spot when spinning around his belly. But since some players find this feature awkward, I thought there should be two different aiming deadzone values. One for the standing/crouching position, and an other one for the prone one.

    Thus one can benefit of this feature as much as possible, in the combination that feels better to him.

    • Like 1

  2. Would make sense but you gotta think about the impact of a system like that, this would simply mean that people (in a grp) would start shooting near each other (to get into combat) so they can move faster and for a longer time :P.

    1) bullets are supposed to become rare. So it might be "expensive" to shoot every once in a while just for the run.

    2) If it happens every once in a while it might start to loose it's effect gradually. As someones character gets used to be shot close by his mates. But this loss of effect will also fade if your character does not get shot at for a while. This concept is based on the fact that people get used to situations they are in for long time.

    3) ii don't know for how long a person's body could produce andrenalune, without some serious concequenses to his/her health.

    For the above reasons i believe that spaming on this feature would not be very popular. Maybe for once or twice per hour, so you can sprint for 1-2 minutes more. Don't forget that this is only ment to give a brief boost under very serious situations.

  3. Hunting knife for melee and short range combat. You should be able to throw it, with a chance to hit your target with the handle instead the blade. If learning is implemented one could become better at throwing knifes.


    Small, one handed axes with the option to throw it too. It could work with same mechanics as the knife, though reduced range.


    Baseball bats. Put some nails there to raise the bar.

    Tranquilising dart gun. Add the option to use infected blood in the darts, if you want to spread a deadly desease in an enemy group.

    Set arrows on fire, and burn everything around.

    Make traps like in Rambo First Blood.

    Combine a knife with a broomstick and stab zombies in the face.

    Sling shots, though there could be a chance of a deadly shot only if you headshot someone with a stone from a close range, otherwise you could just knock someone out.

    Flare gun. It can really kill a person.

    I know most of these have been mentioned before, but i just wanted to put them all together.

    I believe the game is in need of more DIY weapons. More shotguns and pistols would be good, but during a zombie apocalipse people would use anything they could get their hands on, to defend themselfs.

  4. Great idea! The map defenately needs rivers!!!!

    And if added, how about making wooden rafts (hatchet for wood, and rope), and let the current drift us to the sea? Not everyone has a car in chernarus... It could also be used to move a whole camp to somewhere else, by loading your stuff on the raft.

    • Like 2

  5. It's a nice idea. Barricating doors and windows to keep zombies and players out is something everyone would do. It would look like the barbed wire in a way, but it could be taken down with a hatchet, in just a few hits.

    The possibility to create a prison in this way opens up the door for new, exciting and frustrating experiences in the game. Tie somes hands so he can only walk into his prison, or just remove his hatchet and weapon and throw him in his prison. The only way out would be to suicide or wait for friendly help.

    Force someone to follow predefined paths into buildings by blocking unecessary doors, only to make him fall into your trap.

    I see lots of interesting uses to something like this.

    It's even better than barbed wire and sandbags in that you can't jump over a barricated door!!

    Finally, i believe that heros and bandits should be treated the same way by the games mechanics, it's the players that should decide how to treat them.

  6. But who would want to wait 4 months just to play in fall to winter or spring to summer. That wouldn't solve the problem mentioned in the OP at all.

    Give me a reason why 4 month long seasons would be beneficial besides blunt realism ,which in this case, doesn't add any authenticity...

    As simply as you choose a server because it's daytime, you could also choose the server with your favorite season.

  7. Nice idea!

    I was also thinking about the time it could take to cook your meat. How about you put it on fire for as long as you like? If you leave it for 5 minutes it might still have blood in and the threat of getting infected (if the animal was sick) is higher, but be careful though, let it longer and you might burn it and loose all you precious steaks!!

    It would be funny responding to a friendly call for help by "em... sorry dude, i 've got some steaks on fire here!"

    • Like 2

  8. I'm hoping on an encumbrance system. We shouldn't be able to run at full speed with 80 liters of fuel or a rotary assembly in our inventory. Bandages should stack in 5's IMO.

    As i have suggested before, objects that are too big or heavy should not fit in a backpack, they should rather be carried by hands. What if there was a need for two players to carry the rotary assembly? I bet one man wouldn't carry it for long.

    Considering the inventory i 100% with the poster. A system taking into consideration volum and weight would be great.

  9. I believe that objects like wood logs, tires, fuel tanks, motor assemblies etc should not be put in a backpack or the inventory, rather you should carry them in hand. There could be a button for a quick drop in case you need to use a weapon.

    I believe this is important, not just for the shake of realism, but to promote teamplay. In some cases it could take two people to carry something heavy, maybe a third to provide covering fire while the other two are carring that huge heli part to their truck.

    In general though i believe there should be things that would require 2 or more people to accomplice, that's not to punish the lonewolfs, but rather to prove that sometimes it's better to have company.

  10. Tranquilising darts should come with the corresponding rifle. Darts should be rare though, and should be refillable. So they would work like crossbow bolts, in the manner that you can pick them up.

    If implemented correctly, they could balance the pvp, as not all players wish to kill someone just for a couple of mags, map or anything... I am by no means against pvp, but i think tranquilisers can be an interesting substitute to killing!

  11. (Facepalm) it's "NOW" not "KNOW"

    just letting you know.

    Also, I like the idea of fishing, but I don't think you should have to have a boat, dayz is realistic right?

    Well, I've fished off docks/the shore line before so maybe you shouldn't have to have a boat to fish.

    And the swimming thing I completely agree with!

    I totally agree. Though you might need a boat to catch some bigger fish!!!

  12. Nice idea... but if you guys go on like this, sooner or later you will be asking that if someones character dies he should also die in real life. It adds to the immersion!

    Well... I believe nothing should be done. If the guy you just killed comes back for more, bad for him, send him back to the beach. Knowing your position is the same mechanism as a dead guy can still talk to his alive friends through TS and reveal you position.

    Apart from that there might be guys like me that can't find too many servers that play well (good fps, ping), so one could loose interest in the game, if he had to wait for long time to play. Especially if your gaming time is limited!

  13. I believe a normal range for radios would be around 5km, considering all the geographical obstacles there are. 500m would be ok if we talked about PMRs (though lots of them are advertised to be able for 2-5km ranges, I know for sure that it's not true. As for the channels, for such an idea to be implemented successfully it would have to include more than 20 different channels (not sure if it's possible though).

  14. Radio with many different channels is what I vote for. Let the information flow through the radios, for anyone to listen if they get the right frequency. That may be a chat among clan members, or just a couple of strangers who happened to reach each other while searching the frequencies.

    No need to give that kind of information so freely to everyone. Let luck, or foolishness be the motor on this mechanism.

  15. I actually thought bullets should cause more damage. Eg. in short range, a bullet to the chest would normal be a kill, with a really small chance to need a second shot to make the kill.

    For longer distances it works pretty fine as it is, or maybe add a couple thousand points to the damage factor.

    Having to shoot someone 3-4 times with a rifle at 300 meters doesn't seem too realistic. Keep in mind if you do hit your target, he/she might still be able to run around at full speed.

    Guns DO kill people, so why should we reduce their power?

    I do agree though that hits to the legs and arms should just limp the target, not kill him, unless there have been enough hits so bleeding is excessive.

  16. It's true that such a system already exists. No bars though!! Please don't... One thing i would like to change though is the point at which a player is able to sprint. Running should also be limited. No one can run forever. Maybe running should be limited to 20 minutes max. Then the player would drop to walking speed for 1-2 minutes and then he would be able to run for 20 more minutes. If the resting period is less then he might run for less time. In case someone is planning to enter a danger zone, he should probably take 2 minutes break first (time to check the area too) to catch his breath. Then he could run away from Zs easier.

    That is a ruff idea of what could be implemented in order to add realism at the minimum expence of fun.
