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Everything posted by dasdarkseed@hotmail.com

  1. dasdarkseed@hotmail.com

    Better Ghillie Suits

  2. dasdarkseed@hotmail.com

    Wild birds and their use in game.

    Actually I think it doesn't need to be that detailed! There is no need for extreme textures or polygon detail. Just something to give the impretion of birds. There could also be an option as to how many birds someones system should draw ( that number would be random, from 2 to 10-15 would be enough!) so you would get to choose low, normal or high... Or something like that.
  3. dasdarkseed@hotmail.com

    Combining Magazines

    Good thinking indeed, but i'd also like to be able to select which mag to load. So even after a combination there might be a mag with 2 bullets in. I would like to use that for shooting animals, instead of using it in a fight.
  4. dasdarkseed@hotmail.com

    Directional Threat indicators. ?

    It would be nice to have direction indicators. They would show where you got hit buy the bullet ( front, back, left, front left etc. ). That means the indicators would not turn around as you turn your body. Therefor the player should remember how his body was positioned when shot, to determine where the bullet came from.
  5. dasdarkseed@hotmail.com

    A realistic suggestion for food and blood

    I agree that food should only satisfy hunger. So blood should regenerate slowly. How about a very slow regeneration that could be going on even when you are offline? Otherwise you might have to play with really low blood for way too long. So you get shot today. Your wound is bad and needs x days to heal. You can still do stuff in game, but when you disconnect it is resting time. Maybe blood regegerates a bit faster when offline. The next day you login and there... You already feel somewhat better! In a couple of days you will be as good as new. Meanwhile bloodbags could be used too.
  6. dasdarkseed@hotmail.com

    Motion detector

    Dayz is a game world where things happen whether you are logged in or not, it is also a game world where nothing is really safe. Someone could spend hours or even days to set a campsite, with all available fortification options, just to find out that a guy with only a toolbox can destroy it. That doesn't feel right. I guess there will be lots of people who would say that Dayz is a cruel world, and that we should just live with it. I agree. It is, and it should be a cruel world, BUT I personally believe that there should be a way to protect our campsites. I propose the introduction of a motion detection device, with a radius of some meters ( 20 to 40 should be more than enough). This device would be placed at spots that you would like to monitor, and would inform you with a sound alarm on a remote device you would carry on you, in case an other player enters it's monitoring zone. For instance, it could be placed at a camp site, so if someone gets passed the perimeter, you would be noticed, and you would have the chance to go there and defend it. One more thing I believe would be cool, though probably impossible, would be if that device could inform you of invaders via email in the case you are offline. Remember that the game goes on even if you are not there... I don't know how easy or hard it would be for something like this to be done, or if it is possible at all. It is just an idea, stupid or not, I personally think it would turn the PvP battles more meaningful, and more often. Plus the need for more organized groups for serious action could force people to be more fond to ask question first and shoot later.
  7. dasdarkseed@hotmail.com

    Motion detector

    Ah well. I admit that booby traping doors, tents and/or wire fences is a better idea. Thanks for the feedback.
  8. dasdarkseed@hotmail.com

    Motion detector

    NV goggles and thermal optics are also gadgets, but most players seek for them. Besides it wouldn't be any kind of a common device that everyone would be carrying to watch their backs. Anyway, i don't want to argue, I just needed an explanation of your answers.
  9. dasdarkseed@hotmail.com

    Motion detector

    I accept you opinion but I am also curious of why not.